Which version?

When we read “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne in a few day, which version should we use? Because the story is no longer under copyright, it is available in the public domain. When I Google the title, several full-text versions are at the top of the results list. Which version should we use? Look at (no need to read much now–that will come later) these four versions and write a comment in response to this post arguing for one of these versions–and against another if appropriate. Be sure to include specific details that make one version seem better than another. Think about your experience on the site, which you find reliable or unreliable, which are more attractive, which have the kind of extra information you might want to have, etc. What else might help you make the decision.

Please respond by Friday, 2/1.

Option 1: Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library

Option 2: Rutgers University, Edited by Jack Lynch

Option 3: The Literature Network

Option 4: Project Gutenberg