Tag Archives: Pros and cons

Dissection of “Why Collaborate?”

Ellen Lupton clearly depicts the pros and cons of group work and its influence to success. Lupton goes on to explain that when a group has assigned roles to every member there is a balance of work. In theory, this will cover the work much faster than working alone however, there are members that slack on their work. This disrupts the purpose of group work, Lupton goes on to state, “few people are doing the heavy lifting.” This statement lets us know that when other members pick up the work of those slacking it becomes a burden. Lupton explains that working in a group is very beneficial to the future. Your group members can continue to provide support and networking. Networking can be beneficial if we are looking to have an independent business. The article mentioned that when individuals put hard work in their indivual work in the group project their is a degree of ownership. Lutpon concluded stating that although collaboration is usually for kids, adults could also benefit.