Tag Archives: Messege

How monuments should be critiqued: Project #2

Monuments hold up so much importance in today world, there is so much controversy surrounding the statues and the history built around them. Many just claim to want to tear down the monuments rather then put them up on a Museum because of the person’s actions in the pass before they became known to the world and others say that it laid the foundation of the world we live in today. the events of Charlottesville have impacted the country in a way where tensions have risen. Mayor Bill Deblasio has stated the monuments being a “symbols of hate” and would like to build guidelines on how a monument should be critiqued. His criteria for evaluating these said monuments is crucial for the fate of all monuments in New York City. I believe if the person should truly has a good history and send a message to mankind to evolve our civilization in the best possible manner. The mayor should take in consideration both sides to determine the state of the statues in the future. 

The tearing down of monuments is not new to history. Many have been taken down whether it be the end of a dictatorship or the people unhappy with what the monument symbolizes or what it was originally men to be shown as a historical achievement. one-way Mayor Bill Deblasio should critique monuments is if they have any oppressive, racist, morally wrong history to them. They convey that the monuments of terrible people should stay up. one example I can give is the famous memorial of Thomas Jefferson. Early years he was seen as a historical figure who has brought wisdom and help lead the foundation of America but now that we have the convenience of the internet we can find more background information on him. He has been known now for being a horrible slave owner who would not only own and abuse his slave but use to kill the dogs of the slaves because of his hostility towards dogs. It should be known that if a monument used to show or become some sort of oppressive symbol throughout the years their monument should be taken into consideration of being torn down. 

The message behind a monument should be one of that to show that humanity is stepping into the right direction. in some cases, it may be a message to remember those who have passed away over a tragedy or send of message of hope and resilience maybe of one person who has made a huge step or rebellion like the Taino rebel Enrique. who stopped Christopher from eradicating his race from history. the events that Enrique caused was a symbol for people who they think have lost it all. their families and friends and to show that we as a group must fight against the oppression and to rise above to show that we as people can overcome and move forward. I for one would enjoy a monument dedicated to Enrique in New York. a monument that sends a message of positivity should be what people want to see. not one that conveys a negative message and be glorified over the tragic events that the person is responsible for, that is when people start getting agitated and start riots or fights. a message that everyone can get along to. 

If a monument is causing controversy and unhappiness towards a majority of people it should be ether taken down or moved to a new location where people who do enjoy what the monument symbolizes so both sides can get what they want. After the events of Charlottesville people from both sides on whether it should stay up or be torn down has gotten really violent. Mayor Bill Deblasio should take into consideration of both sides and see what he can make up of the situation. This keeps both party’s happy, stopping the controversy by not making it a public monument by moving it to a library or Museum. That way if people did wish to see the said monument they could visit their local location that shows research of said person for all their accomplishments and short comings. this would also be an ideal situation to keep everyone safe. 

Monuments should be remembered for the accomplishments of mankind rather than a memory of negativity and hate. The ones that should be displayed publicly are ones that send a good message for people from all around the world rather than one that might be used to cause discomfort to some. Mayor Bill Deblasio should use some criteria that will benefit not only one but both sides to ensure the safety of his people and the future for other monuments. 

source : https://www.monticello.org/site/plantation-and-slavery/thomas-jefferson-and-slavery

