Tag Archives: merriam-webster


Atrocities: (Noun) an extremely wicked or cruel act, typically one involving physical violence or injury.


“In a sense this project is also a history lesson in of itself and bringing the actions of these people to light is what society should do to show that people should be remembered for the good things they have brought to the future rather that of just a man who found someplace just to commit atrocities to a group of people and ruin their daily lives.”

I came across the word “atrocities” while reading one of my colleagues posts on their reflection on project 2. I read the sentence carefully and gained an understanding from the context clues. The person was speaking on how people brought good things to the future, and the key word that helped me was “rather”. Once the word rather was stated I knew a statement would be opposite of someone doing good. Before looking up the actual definition I looked up synonyms relating to the word atrocities and words such as “cruelty, abuse, horror, and abomination” came up. This word can be used to describe a terrible act committed by someone. For example, ” The penalty is only given to a criminal who committed several atrocities.” Remember an atrocity is a noun so you can use it to describe a person place or thing.