Tag Archives: Diatribe


Diatribe (noun): a bitter or abusive speech of writing.


Charles McGrath, A Literary Visitor Strolls in From the Airport

“Will Self’s new novel, “The Book of Dave” (Bloomsbury USA), is about a London cabdriver who inadvertantly founds a religion when a ranting diatribe he buries in the garden of his ex-wife is dug up five centuries later, in a now post-apocalyptic world, and becomes a sacred text.”

From just this sentence I was able to tell that it was some sort of written document as it would have to be to become a sacred book, however I was unaware of the actual type of book that would be a diatribe. This word makes is easier to tell the difference between a “good” book and one that is filled with hate speech.



Diatribe (Noun) : a bitter and abusive speech or piece of writing.

I was confronted with this word while reading McGrath Charles. ā€œA Literary Visitor Strolls in From the Airport.”

“Will Selfā€™s new novel, ā€œThe Book of Daveā€ (Bloomsbury USA), is about a London cabdriver who inadvertently founds a religion when a ranting diatribe he buries in the garden of his ex-wife is dug up five centuries later, in a now post-apocalyptic world, and becomes a sacred text.”

This was the first time i encountered this word so i didn’t know the meaning at all. When I looked up the word i found three definitions however they weren’t that alike. So i substituted the definitions into the context the word was included in. I also used the examples “The article is aĀ diatribeĀ against mainstream media.” and “a bitterĀ diatribeĀ about how unfair the tax system is” to demonstrate the word and found “A bitter and abusive speech or piece of writing” to be the more accurate definition of the word.