Tag Archives: Detour

My guide to a new detour

My normal route to City Tech consists of me taking the A train and getting off at Jay Street metro Tech. I then take the exist closest to City Tech and walk on Jay street to the entrance of the Namn building. However, my new route included taking the longest exist of the train station to City Tech. Rather than going straight down Jay street I took walk on Fulton street and then I took a left into a small street called Lawerence street that would take me back out to Jay street. This alley was quite smaller than Jay street and it quieter and dark. I liked this route because it was less crowded and rushed as Jay street. Although, I ended on Jay street again this detour provided some relaxation before heading out to Jay street. This alley had stores that opened later in the day like Papa Johns so this allowed there to be less traffic. I liked this route even though it was longer because it provided some relaxation.

City Tech walkers should definitely take this walk as it is a small escape from the traffic found on Jay street. Yes this walk is a little longer than my regular walk because i go in the opposite direction however, enjoying a little change is not hurting anyone. In this route you will also see another small college. Yes its a reminder you are also heading to school but i find this beneficial because you still have a grasp to reality. Yes, my objective was to find a relaxing detour but reality is important. As college students we want to focus our attention on relaxing things that help reduce stress. However, we should never lose our focus to be relax because the reason we are stressed because we are working hard for our degrees.

Possible detour

Since i am not familiar with the area around city tech i took advantage of this opportunity to explore new areas. Before going to find a detour for this assignment i know i want a quiet detour. The next morning when i got off the train i took a different out the train station. This exist took me towards Fulton and Jay street. On Fulton street there are many stores so i knew it wasn’t what i wanted for a detour. However, on Fulton there are many little streets with little stores and ten times more quieter. I enjoyed this detour because I found some peace and quiet something not on Jay street. The reason why these streets are quieter is because many of the stores around open later. For example, Papa Johns doesn’t open till later in the day. The closing of these stores doesn’t attract much people which makes this detour very pleasant.