Tag Archives: Brooklyn Promenade

My Views

The Brooklyn Height Promenade has one of the best views that any man could ever wish to see. When I sit down in a bench I witness the surrounding area come alive, people walking their dogs, going out for a jog, and relaxing, captivated by the view they have in front of them. I chose the Brooklyn height  promenade because of the view of the city. I believe its one of the best view to watch. In “City Limits” the author Colson Whitehead states “… you have your own personal skyline” my interpretation of this quote is that the skyline I see In the Brooklyn Height Promenade is not the same skyline the person next to me is seeing, everyone is experiencing it in their own way. The individual has a different perspective then me and their ideology is also different compared to mine. I also witness the area around the promenade and noticed the different stature, how big Manhattan is compared to Brooklyn in general. Looking at a photo from The New York Post, I see how Manhattan is the biggest area around compared to the other cities. The attention to detail of Manhattan was massive compared to the surrounding area. I believe the author is trying to tell the reader that the area people like specifically in Manhattan is the area they know/remember most.

Walking to Paradise


In order to reach the location pin pointed in the map you need to walk out of City Tech into Jay st, then walk over to Tillary st. Afterwards, walk down Tillary st. until you reach  Cadman Plaza W. Walking down Tillary st. you’r  going to notice an enormous building(US District Court Clark). Next to this building you area able see a park with a beautiful field. This parks name is Cadman Plaza Park. Walk towards Cadman Plaza W which is an intersection. I made right turn following the park and then a left into Clark ST. Be careful it is a busy street. Finally, walk down Clark st. for about 6 blocks and you would reach your destination at the end of the road.

Once you reach the location, its breath taking. You have a view of the Manhattan skyline and to the East River. If you look to the right you will be able to the Brooklyn bridge. In this area right in front, under the house like figures, there are basketball courts and also handball courts. You are able to see helicopters, boats, and cars from a bench in Brooklyn heights promenade. Brooklyn Heights Promenade, is a place where people come to walk, run, or just walk their dogs. The Manhattan Skyline helps the Promenade by giving an amazing view and also a sense of relaxation. In Brooklyn there are few buildings that are more then ten stories heigh, in Manhattan almost all the building are more then ten series heigh. You can imagine the amount of people that are located their. There was people in the Promenade, they were all doing there thing and enjoying them selfs, in Manhattan the people usually are in a hurry and very crowded.

My picture shows the Manhattan skyline from a bench in Brooklyn Heights Promenade.

Taken by Edwin Contreras