Tag Archives: Architect

Future Architect

    For my first year in college, I look forward to challenge myself and become an independent man. I have had many challenges in my life, but they have all made me the man I am today whether those things affected me mentally or physically. Now, starting a new chapter in my life I want to challenge myself in a complete new way. Football is a big part of my life, during my high school years I was part of the Long Island City football team. Football has taught me respect, discipline, and also to believe in myself. My parents played a major role in helping me in the challenges I faced in school, whether it was with money for the uniform, school supplies or with just simple help at home doing homework. New York City college of Technology looks to be a great school. I love how the student interacting with each other in the halls and even find a spot to relax.

     Looking into my future, I don’t see myself working in a office. I see myself exploring the world and experiencing the different culture around the many countries I visit. Some of the places I plan on visiting are Colombia, Mexico, South Africa, and Japan. I am a family person, I love spending time with my sisters and parents. A goal I have set for myself is to build a house in my homeland, Ecuador for my parents. As a cause of this I have looked into becoming an architect. Becoming a successful architect is not easy, I need to push myself harder than I have ever done before. In order to achieve my goal, I would have to work hard in and out of school.

     As stated before, football is a big part of my life. The photo above shows the lineman lining up to the ball while the center holds the ball. I was the center for my team. That is the hardest and the most respected position on the field. “Everything starts with the center” my coach would state, you can imagine the pressure I was under during practices and especially during the games. When people see my openlab picture, I hope they would see the dedicated, responsible and hardworking person I am.

      People may think differently then what I believe. Those people may think I am an aggressive and even a nonintellectual person. I hope to prove them wrong when they read my work or have the chance to meet me in person. People might also think due to the image I chose,  I still play football for a outside team or even with my friends. I am very passionate about football. During my senior year of high school, I had an accident during  football practice yet still continue with the sport to this day. I am as passionate in school as I am in football. Although I might be a little shy in class, but once you get to know me I am a cool guy. I am still a little nervous about college but I feel with time I could change those nerves to excitement. For the accident my right shoulder was semi-dislocated with micro tears in my muscle which prevent me from playing football how it should be played, aggressively. Due to this is very hard for me to play football and also very painful. For now I just watching football on TV, maybe play catch if possible but it has gotten me more focused in school and my future through my education.      

    Overall, I am a hardworking person. I don’t crack under “pressure”, which means I can handle the overwhelming homework’s and projects. My plans for visiting other countries and exploring their culture are only possible if I dedicated myself to school. I expect myself to develop a new way of thinking that’s more sophisticated. I might be a little shy in class, but once you get to know me I am a cool guy. I am still a little nervous about college but I feel with time I could change those nervous into excitement.