Author Archives: Mike


Criterion (plural) : a standard on which a judgment or decision may be based

“Part 3: Develop a list of criteria you will argue  and should be used to evaluate whether a monument should remain in place or be removed.”


I ran into this word in the project #2 monument Surveying. As I was reading this I ran into the word I’m a little embarrassed to admit I always used context clues to figure out the meaning. what I originally thought the word meant was a set of category’s from your choosing. now that I’ve finally looked up what the word meant i can have a clearer understanding of the word.


Curator (noun) : one who has the care and superintendence of something; especially :one in charge of a museum, zoo, or other place of exhibit 

I found this word in the Ellen Lupton article labeled “Why Collaborate?” 

“I have been a museum curator for nearly fifteen years, so I am familiar with both the pleasures and pains of collaborating. “ 

When I first came across this word I found myself stumped I had not heard this word before, even trying to use context clues I could not figure out the meaning, I decided to take to the internet to expand my vocabulary and now seeing what the word means. the sentence now makes a lot more sense now fully understanding the context. showing that Ellen Lupton is experienced with collaborating for the reason of her employment of being a curator. 


My personal thoughts on project #2

I feel like America has a lot of problems that needs to be addressed and we are advancing at a point so fast that we are starting to understand somethings shouldn’t be praised as they are in current days society. Such as the Columbus statue being taken down. In recent discovery people are realizing what horrible things he has done to humanity. Society has become furious on the thought that this man should be idolized and I stand by them. In “Project #2: monument surveying” it’s said that mayor bill de Blasio called for an examination of the said monuments and is doing background checks on said statues to see if they are worthy of being memorialized. I believe that this project will test not only our skills but our morals on what shows how a person should be remembered and for what, many historical figures do tend to be just that, but making a monument to their name doesn’t necessarily mean they were a good person. a good example of this is an old movie called “Bill and Teds most excellent adventure” it brings all these historical figures in today world to see how they would react to it. now that people have advanced since then most world conquerors wouldn’t be taken seriously. monuments are an ode to those that made an advancement to society rather than just being historical figures. In a sense this project is also a history lesson in of itself and bringing the actions of these people to light is what society should do to show that people should be remembered for the good things they have brought to the future rather that of just a man who found someplace just to commit atrocities to a group of people and ruin their daily lives. that is why I believe that this project is not just a project is needed to see why are things named after what they are for what reason. 

Future musician artist in the making

This is my first year on New York College Of Technology. I am majoring in computer science and I am hoping to move forward in my dream of becoming a musician using the skills I learn throughout my years in college my favorite genre of music is experimental, progressive rock, R&B and hip-hop . I graduated from Franklin Delano Roosevelt High School. My parents both originated from Dominican Republic, I was born and raised here in Brooklyn. my hobbies include, practicing making music from a program called fruity loops and my piano, skateboarding, and playing video games. I am also currently learning how to drive.

My personality is best described as easy-going, although I become very stressed and anxious easily I always try to look at the positive sides of situations. To some people this becomes very annoying or obnoxious but some see it as a shift of perspective when things start to get a panic vibe to them. I try my best in everything I do even if its the first time doing it. my philosophy in life has to be “Everything will be alright in the end, and if its not alright then it not the end”- Damon Albarn

I am currently trying to major in computer science and the first time, I came to the conclusion I wanted to make computers was not too long ago. when I had no computer experience before last year I bought all the parts to build a computer to play video games with my friends, I watched tutorials and learned how to put it all together. Once it was complete I had a sense of determination to continue fiddling with programs and parts to see what would work, I found it entertaining to see what works and doesn’t and that’s when I came to the conclusion: I want to work with computers to make music.


Ethical: (adjective)  Involving or expressing moral approval or disapproval.

located in the back of (New York City College of Technology : English Department) in the last line of the bullet points.

“Formulate original ideas and relate them to the ideas of others by employing the conventions of ethical attribution and citation.”

While I was reading the objectives for the class I ran by this word and I’ve herd it in articles and speeches before but never truly understood the meaning. I tried using context clues to help me figure out the deeper meaning behind it but I couldn’t understand it fully even then. So I took to the dictionary to guide me on the understanding of the word. What I originally thought the meaning was before I looked it up was that of which is considered appropriate by a group. Now that I understand the word I can now broaden my horizon of understanding.