Author Archives: lovesu

Criteria for monuments

Honoring those who fought for us .  In todays time when racism very much still exists however some people fail to see that racism is still alive today. People tend to think that the word has gotten much better than before which I can not help to disagree on. we all have heard about the incident that happened in North Carolina with the violent “clashes between the white nationalist and Anifa in Charlottesville According to Bret

The criteria I think that Bill de Blaso should use when considering  to remove a monument is to look at the history of that person. Was that person controversial in their time . I think he should figure in that time period what was a positive back then. Did this person contribute to America’s history in such a great way. According to Bill de Blaso has  ordered a 90 day review of all New York statues and monuments. And what their historical attributes were. I believe that a review would be a great idea but what would be in this review of monuments. would controversy be considered a reason why they remove certain statues. I think that considered controversy as one of the reasons why it should be removed  is a great idea  because a lot of the things should be considered when evaluating a monument. If a persons monument remains in place even though it is considered controversial why should it remain . Did the mayor evaluate all things when it came to a certain monuments. do this monument depict  what’s going on in the world now . Is this monument a good representation in itself.

can people of different backgrounds and historical views agree to such criteria of removal or why one should stay can they agree. If you remove the monument will this affect history in any kind of way . And if you are removing the statues where will these statues be kept, what do we do with them? should the removal of a statue be replaced with some thing else or should another statue be put in its the state responsible  for the cost of removing it. For me I think that any positive monuments should remain only  why because of the fact that the person was a positive contributor and the things they left to contribute to history was a positive . I think that this criteria should not only be for NY I think other states should adopt this idea also. That each state take the time out to look at the controversial monuments and see what each one represents. was this person a part of racism was this person into slave owning  all of this should take place in seeing what criteria we should implement  in why a monument should be consider to be removed .

We as a nation would not want to see a statue up of a person who was so controversial in history we should not want to promote hate with controversial monuments and statues. I know that the monuments that are in place are of those that are for fathers honored. But I don’t think we look at the people that our grandparents look up to the same we don’t look at them as positive today we come from a place where we question do we still honor those people  to this day. Can these monuments impact our society so much that we go and have big rally’s against those that we don’t want to see up. Why do we still have monuments in place of people we don’t believe in. Should we take them down do to our own personal beliefs or are their more important facts as in why this monument should stay  remain. People believe that the monuments are about history not about hate. I think its more of hate that history into why people want a monument to stay. People Believe that a monument should stay because of its part in history but most of the monuments I see today are of people who was controversial in a lot of ways. According to North Carolina governor Roy cooper in his statement “We cannot continue to glorify a war against the United States of America fought in the defense of slavery these monuments  should be removed.

In conclusion what Bill De Balso  is doing is a good idea I think that he is implementing some good things in to why or why not a monument should be removed we have to consider what is most important . Is it that of a monument that is so controversial that people are willing to destroy it Do we think that an evaluation of ones monument  should be of that persons on background. should we take into consideration what the person contributed  to history . Does these monuments we have in place celebrate racism slavery. Does it “Glorify war against the United States” . Did any of these people own slaves in  the past did they work off  the slaves back does that depict a positive image in history what are we considering Criteria when we are evaluating these monuments and who is doing the evaluating of these monuments.




“Should the Confederate Monuments Stay or Go? — The James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal.” The James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal, 27 Aug. 2017,


Kew, Ben. “Bill De Blasio Orders Review of All NYC Monuments; Considering Removal of Christopher Columbus.” Breitbart, Breitbart News Network, 22 Aug. 2017,


“Debate over Takedown of Controversial Monuments Turns to Columbus Circle.” New York’s PIX11 / WPIX-TV, 22 Aug. 2017,




Well in the article Ellen Lupton discusses the good and bad things about collaboration. She talks about collaboration and why it is good and how she still wants her own independence.  Even ifor she is collaborating with someone she also talks about how she also likes working in teams and how it is a good thing to be working within a team. She goes into discuss about being in a team has ups and downs also.When your in a team sometimes people don’t pull their own weight of the team.I can agree with her on that .I also can agree that I don’t like getting forced into teams wherw being a group who is mismatch he’d  or where people tend to not take on their own responsiblity I also can agree with her I to sometimes like to work alone also but I rather be in a group I think you can get a lot done much quicker on my opinion.

I think that the people we hang out wits  can shape you in some form. OR give us informatioN.Yes your friends are always the healthy or rather suppose to be the healthy compete titian in some cases. When working in groups  you can take big projects and make them into smaller ones and then come back with all the ideas to form a great project.

I also think that’s a good idea that if everyone is passionate about a certain idea that every one should collaborate and come together and maybe pull some oftheir finances together and skills to make  somethingbetter if they share such passion on one thing.collaboration can be a great thing when you have like mindestructible individuals who are willing to put in the work.



“Substantive.” Accessed September 26, 2017.


noun sub·stan·tive \ ˈsəb-stən-tiv
Substantive is  a word or word group functioning syntactically as a noun.
I encountered the word substantive in the blogging guidelines for English class
what I thought the word  substantive too mean  was totally  something else then what I though
the word to mean. I tried using it in a sentence to see if I really understood what It meant
 now that I looked the word up it means to function together as a noun. Not what I thought the
word to mean was to do something a whole lot of times that’s what I though substantive to
mean  to do to much of. Now that I have the understanding of the word now I know
what it means by the word substantive  when I read the blogging guidelines. Now I can use the
word substantive in a sentence. W e have a substantive amount of work to cover in the class. so
now that I understand the word and can use the word substantive in a sentence I know what the
word really means when I see the word again.



transitive verb
to discuss excitedly and earnestly .
me and the teacher had an agitating discussing on politics.
where I encountered this word was  on the blogging guidelines for open lab.
 what I understood the word to mean was that you was agitated  with the situation or someone I didn’t know the word means  something totally the opposite . According to Webster it means to discuss excitedly and earnest.
No that I understand the meaning of the word I now can use this word and know the definition of this word when I encounter it again. Agitating to discuss or to stir up excitedly .

Monument surveying

for this project I think its great that we work as groups together to find monuments around city tech  yes it is a lot of parts to it I but I think it would be very interesting to do something that is news related right now .One thing I think we should do is go out as a class for a field trip to find all the different monuments around the college . Question do the monuments have to be around the college. I think that even though their is a lot of parts to this  project it will be very interesting to do. I also like the fact that we get to choose which one that is unique to us personally and pinned that one onto the map.

something that is a little confusing is a thesis driven essay wow that means what . It has to be written at a certain level with little to no mistakes is that what you mean by thesis driven.   develop a criteria that I will argue should be a good evaluation of the monument that I choose  is this the one that we are picking while in the group or is this the one that we are choosing individually.

So we get to debate on why we think a monument should be removed or should it stay in place on part 5 . wait I got a little confused to as why you want us to draw on the articles each group shared . Some parts of the project two is a little confusing I hope that I can get a clear understanding  as in what we  are doing as we go along to each part.

My Reflection on me and who I see myself as.

Hello everyone my name is Tasha and I am a Heath Care student majoring in health Care

Administration. At first I wanted to do nursing because I had done medical Assistant already

but I came to realize that nursing may not be for math. I figured since I liked the health care

Field I should do something else so I decided that health Care Administration would be good

Then I would further my degree by getting a bachelors in Heath Care Management. I would

be ok being behind the scenes running the big hospitals or Medical offices.

I know the job of being a Health Care Manager takes on a big responsibility but that is

Quite alright with me. I know my role is not all glamorous like a nurse is who is out saving lives

but I am just as important just behind the scenes. I rather not be in the lime light its okay. I

Live life with the saying that you learn something new every day and I believe that to be true.

even if you don’t believe it I do. People tend to tell me that I would be a great in the health care

field because they have seen me taking care of older people, and also younger people too

when I was working at a medical clinic back home in Chicago. If a person could see that potential

In me then I need to strive and do what I have to do to believe in myself to do what’s necessary

To achieve these goals of becoming that Health care Manager. 

My passion is health care I did want to do nursing but i decide to do health care management

instead . I am also passionate about animals and butterflies and things of that nature . I love

kittens they are just so adorable to me .My personal philosophy is that you have to strive to

get to where you want you have to work hard and try and if you fail try it again. That’s my

personal philosophy and i tend to stick by that where ever i go.

 In the next five to ten years I would have Graduated from City tech with my bachelor

degree in Health care management  and i would be working at one of the top hospitals

back in Atlanta Georgia . I will strive every day to gain the knowledge of new possibilities

and explore the new adventures that i want to gain.

I choose this avatar because It depicts a mystical picture of a person looking at herself in the

Mirror. I look at myself in the mirror every day and see an image of myself that reflects the I

Inner beauty in me. I look at me from the inside out people see others from the outside only

They based them on their outer beauty. I see people for who they are people I don’t based them

On what’s on the outside. So I think that this image reflects me as a person I see the inner

Beauty in people. When people look at themselves they tend to judge themselves on what

Society thinks is beautiful .This avatar depicts me as a beautiful individual with the mystical

Appearance of one’s self as a strong individual who sees herself as beautiful no matter what

Others may say.

This image is me and how I see myself and how this represents me so if someone else was to

To see this image hopefully they would understand what I see in this representation of this

Image it is not based on color or body types it’s just based on inner beauty and how one see

Themselves in this image. Beauty should not be defined to a certain standard it should be how

You see yourself as beautiful .My avatar conveys me as strong mystical person who looks in

The mirror and she sees herself looking back and she does not care what society thinks about it.

if one was to look at my avatar i think that  that they might depict my avatar as that i am self

into my self and that the smoking images would depict a negative things about myself  and

that it may not portray a positive image about me. others wouldn’t see the self loving

person that i see when i look at my avatar .I think to them my avatar would convey me as

an vein individual and not mystical or not seeing my self as self worth. One who is

ashamed of my body but that’s not the image i want to convey to them i want my image to

show a self loving woman who is not ashamed of who she is and one who does not care

what society thinks your body should look like .I want people to see people for the inner beauty

and not judge them on whats on the outside. That’s what i am trying to convey through my


I would like to think that within my profile i have summed up a small part of me because

theirs more to me than meets the eye. Sometimes it really does not matter what people think of

me i take criticism very good and i draw from that what i can expect this to do for me is to

speak to people and give them a little insight on who I am. Well overtime i hope to be writing a

little more better than when i first came to city tech and maybe that as i go on I will get better at

expressing myself a little more better and opening up more well I don’t know about the

opening up part to strangers but maybe get better at writing over my course of time here at

City tech college.




noun co·her·ence \kō-ˈhir-ən(t)s, -ˈher-\ is a systematic or logical connection or consistency
I first encountered this word in the blogging guidelines .Of the open lab of the [New York City
college of technology]: English Department
What I thought the word coherence means was that a person was not listening to good so the
person  coherence to what I was saying  that’s what I thought the word coherence means .
Now that I get the full understanding of the word coherence I can now use the word to join together or to connect  something to make the paper connect.
now I can understand what the word means and use this word and have a better understanding of this word coherence.