- Amenity
- Amorphous
- Burly
- Chimeric
- Conglomeration
- Cricket
- Designation
- Diatribe
- Disquiet
- Elusive
- Exhortations
- Façade
- Facsimile
- Joshing
- Sequence
- Serendipitous
The glossary project was not difficult per say, but it was quite challenging for me as when I was younger I grew up reading dictionaries and thesauruses. I also from time to time like to just search up synonyms and antonyms for words that are already present in my current lexicon. While doing this project, I have come across but one word that I hadn’t already known. This word was Exhortations. So when going through the articles and readings we had, there came a time when I questioned myself about if the words I was reading were indeed difficult or not as to my knowledge, they were already known. After having this struggle I went forth and decided that I’d just pick all the words that were either big or archaic as those stood the best chance at being unknown to the other pupils in the class. After doing so it was relatively easy for me to find the fifteen words needed for this project. The way that I always look up new words to learn or use in my daily language is something that is second nature to me. My favorite is using archaic words as even though they may be small, their meaning can vary, or just not give any inclinations as to what they may mean. I find this to be more interesting than using large, unpronounceable words that may sound clunky in writing and speech. All in all, when I went with this strategy, the once difficult project that was placed in front of me became minuscule and was a cinch.