Author Archives: ANewHopeIsHere


Cricket (noun): a game played with a ball and bar by two sides of usually 11 players each on a large field centering upon two wickets each defended by a batsman.

“Near the Chemistry building, a group of South Asian students played cricket: a regular Saturday engagement, I would come to learn.”

“Walk with Me” – David L Ulin

Upon first inspection this sport sounds very similar to baseball however one key difference is in that of the inclusion of the wickets; which baseball does not have. If the reader was from the USA and had not been interested in sports they would not have known or understood this statement as it is not played here, similarly as to how many people believe football is played with your hands and throwing it.


Conglomeration (adjective): made up of parts from various sources or of various kinds.

“Across from the airport, just east of the Strip, the whole conglomeration like some strange amorphous triple junction, designed for tourists, or at least, for visitors: easy in and easy out.”

“Walk with Me” – David L Ulin

Another word that can be used is combination or group and the same effect can be had. This word, while is fancy, may be difficult for most people to understand as it has no root words or common sounding words within for the reader to corelate the meaning to.


Chimeric (adjective): Existing only as the product of unchecked imagination.

“To see more than these chimeric glimpses, you have to peer beneath the surface.”

“Walk with Me” – David L Ulin

Upon first coming across this word I was very concerned as the only chimera I know is one with a lion’s head, a goat’s head protruding from its back and a snake for a tail. The creature was supposed to be a mythical Greek creation… why was this man seeing one? Although luckily when I researched the word, I found out that the meaning has changed some since its initial inception.


Burly (adjective): strongly and heavily built.

“Every now and again, I would see him, a burly man with close-cropped graying hair, pushing a shopping cart or sitting at an outside table at the Starbucks on Maryland and Dorothy, sipping from a container of coffee, wearing what looked like a Runnin’ Rebels basketball shirt, slit up the sides all the way to the armpits, with that designation – Facebook president of the world – hand-painted on the back.”

“Walk with Me” – David L Ulin

When first looking at this word, if there was no prior knowledge of the meaning, the text would not give an inclination of what was meant. After looking at the meaning the picture was clearer as to what the author was stating.


Amorphous (adjective): having no definite form.

“Across from the airport, just east of the Strip, the whole conglomeration like some strange amorphous triple junction, designed for tourists, or at least, for visitors: easy in and easy out.”

“Walk with Me” – David L Ulin

This word still doesn’t quite make sense to me as when I perceive something without form I conclude it is made out of a liquid or gas, something physical is hard for me to picture as not having a form.


Amenity (noun): Something that helps to provide comfort, convenience, or enjoyment.

“I have always lived within walking distance of the basic amenities.”

“Walk with Me” – David L Ulin

Further on in the sentence he describes a basic list of places that were within his area such as a bank and supermarket, however when looking up the actual word it seems that it can be anything and not just locations.

Project 4

When living in New York City there is something that we all will always come across even though it is always mutually resented. That being, traffic. This is something that can easily be seen on my commute from to and from the college. Be it many various cars blocking the bus route, or the amount of people that are trying to get to and from work or school in this area, it can sometimes be a nightmare. There are several different things that can be done to avoid this traffic. One being that you can come off the bus a stop or two prior to your destination point and then walking the rest of the way there. It is even said that walking is good for your health especially when most Americans are overweight or obese. This alternate can really help in the transition to a healthier lifestyle.

For my commute to City Tech, I usually take the bus from the first stop, at Myrtle-Gates, all the way to the last stop, Myrtle-Jay Street, and while the commute is mostly smooth, when coming to the ending portion, it can be a tedious wait as we wait for the cars or people to get out of the way. An alternate suggestion would be to get out a couple stops prior at Navy or Prince Street and walking through the Myrtle promenade. Thereby adding some natural beauty into the commute as there are many trees and a lot of greenery there during the spring, summer and autumn months. This can also serve as an entry point to the various stores and restaurants that are along the strip.

In the article “Give Your Ideas Some Legs: The Positive Effect of Walking on Creative Thinking” by Marilyn Oppezzo, there was research done on the effects of walking when compared to creativity. There were four experiments done which linked more walking to an increased amount of creativity in the person. This can be very useful if your school or job demands a creative sense of work ethic but can also help your mind when going through the mundane activities of each day.

Another really good reason for adding the walk would be for the added value of seeing the greenery of the various parks that litter the city. It can be a change of pace when all you see are the tall grey buildings of our metropolis. You can see other animals like squirrels and various birds instead of the rats and pigeons that are always over the city streets. If you are a morning person, the chirps of the morning birds can be a pleasant background noise instead of the usual hum and revving of the almost industrial sounding vehicles that everyone is using to get to work in the mornings.

On the other hand, throughout the walk there are many types of people that can also be observed in the district. From the often loud and obnoxious sounding screeching and hollering of the middle and high school kids to the somewhat calmer and collected college students in the area. A vast difference can be observed. While it is understandable, or some might even say excusable for middle school children to behave in such a way, you can really see the difference in attitudes as they are usually in packs of all the same gender and retching at the other. As you morph into the high school kids you see they are more mixed while some of them remain in the loud middle school mentality. Going further up in line when observing the people of college age, they can be more mature than the others that share the streets with them, however, unfortunately, you can see that some never outgrow the immaturity that has been with them all their lives. It can be hard sometimes to differentiate the three groups as there are middle schoolers who look and dress well beyond their years and there are some college aged people who you would never guess are their age. The ones who you can never confuse though, are the business types that are always in suits along with the ones that are going to court. Although they may not wear suits, if you pay close enough attention, you can sometimes see that they wear their worries on their faces. They can appear timid and meek due to their circumstances or they can appear annoyed or irate. It can be interesting to see the various types of emotions people display when in the same situation as it can reassure that, yes we are all uniquely fashioned. The business types can be headed into the courtroom that is next door to the college or could be headed into any of the various buildings in the adjacent areas, but they all have one thing in common. Most are very uptight and snotty. They believe they are better than others. They can be seen pushing others out of their way. Some may say “They’re in a rush.” A simple excuse me would do. When anyone tries to approach them they have such disdainful looks upon their faces. A person should go and make their own inferences though as it can help you learn more about others

All in all, adding a walk into your daily routine can be a great experience as it will add some clarity and creativity into your day. It can keep you calm and collected and will be an overall great experience for your life.

Give Your Ideas Some Legs: The Positive Effect of Walking
on Creative Thinking (Research Article)

Marily Oppezzo and Daniel L. Schwartz

project 3 draft

A very important part of New York City throughout its history must be Governors Island also called Pagganuck (meaning land of nuts.) Many historic things have happened there, from it being a Native American burial ground when the isle of Manna-Hatta which sat between the twin rivers of Mauritius from the Lenape tribes meaning land of many hills and the river that flows both ways. There are two forts built on Governors island which were used during the Revolutionary war to defend against the British, one named Castle Williams and the other Fort Jay. These buildings still had the armature on the roofs as well as keeping everything else perfectly preserved. After the Revolutionary war the island was converted into a base for the Civil war and had many housing units made for the military that was stationed there, again these are still standing in almost pristine condition. Recently a high school was built on the island called The Urban Assembly New York Harbor School. I attended the school in its first four years on the island and as such had an almost exclusive opportunity to see the island in its untouched state before it was converted into yet another tourist spot.

During the time frame of 2010 – 2014 I attended the Harbor School. At this time many of the buildings were closed and boarded off. Due to having high levels of asbestos. The castle and fort were also closed due to many reports of them being haunted as there was distinct sounds of chains rustling along with moaning going on that could be heard at night time. When I attended the school my friends and I, like any responsible teenager, would go explore the island when we heard that it was off limits and that it was actually federally forbidden from being ventured into. Many of the houses that we entered was molded and had cobwebs absolutely everywhere. The buildings were still in the state that they had been in from the civil war. It was incredibly stunning and beautiful to see. We found books and diaries that were never moved, perfectly preserved beds and dinner sets. In a couple houses were broken as they were never repaired from the cannon fire that happened there. Most of the island was just a field with random bumps in the ground. We later learned that the bumps were actually mounds, made for the burial of the natives as they used the island for their graves.

The most intriguing part of our exploration would be when we explored Fort Jay. We had heard that it was haunted and explicitly forbidden for us to enter. So as responsible teens we snuck into it during one of our overnights we had. Our school had sleep overs rather often as we would sleep on our ships, school and sometimes even in the fields with the mounds. As everyone slept we went into the fort and through some rigorous climbing managed to get into the building. All of us were terrified as it was the most eerie thing, just like everything else on the island, it was perfectly preserved from the civil war. Come to find out, Fort Jay was actually a prison. There were many many jail cells and old looking handcuffs along with anklets with the big balls attached to them. The freakiest part though was… remember earlier when I said there was reports of a haunting? All of us were together just sneaking as quietly as we could when suddenly from the cell next to us, A LOCKED CELL, we heard chains rustling and moving. The amount of speed that overcame us was insane and I will never forget it. We ran to the nearest stairs we could and ran and ran and it turned out we ended up running onto the roof. While we were cursing ourselves for going up instead of down in all the confusion it ended up letting us see something magnificent. There were cannons lined up along the roof with cannonballs piled up next to them all. There also was such a gorgeous view though. We could see all the lights of Manhattan along with the lights of New Jersey and coming over the horizon of the ocean was the sunrise. It was a view that is unforgettable and am grateful for having the opportunity for it.

Recently the island was renovated for tourists, opening in the summer and closing on Labor Day.  All the buildings that were perfectly preserved were torn down and remodeled to be more modern. The mounds were flattened so the ground would have a more uniform appearance and many of the trees were removed to allow space for more buildings and playgrounds to be made. They then boarded up the Fort and the Castle. The last time I was there, I recall that they even had a farm that was growing chickens and pigs there. They added a playground for young children and added a bike stand from which bicycles and quadracycles could be rented. The part of the island that had all the trees was renovated into a golf course. Now the island is becoming a big tourist destination and the history of it is being slowly erased. Most of the people on the island during the summer don’t know that they’re eating on the graves of Native Americans. It would be bad publicity. The don’t know about all the barracks that was there as they’re all gone now. The only remnant is the castle and fort but those have also been changed drastically as they’re all decorated to look pretty and the cannons + cannonballs along with the handcuffs and footcuffs have been removed. The only good news is that according to the park rangers, they have to go in every morning and fix some of the decorations in the cells as they’re constantly being destroyed or changed every day.

All in all, the juxtaposition of these two Governors islands are saddening as the New York that’s being seen now is not my New York. There is no history anymore there is only a money grab.




Brooklyn Navy Yard

I chose the Brooklyn Navy Yard as it has a great importance not just in New York City’s history, but the history of all of the United States itself. The Brooklyn Navy Yard was where we had a huge impact in the young nations fight against the British and once, free, a part in every war that the nation had part in. Today it has become a relic of the past and is now becoming something sort of a museum as it is there to show how things were in the past. The Shipyard was made in 1801 and Americas first warship, the USS OHIO was built. After this many warships were built in the Brooklyn Navy Yard such as the USS  Savannah, Peacock, Dolphin, Vincennes, Fulton II, Decatur, San Jacinto, and Niagara. It was once an integral part of the US NAVY but now it lays decrepit. However some buildings are being renovated which will be a great thing for the area. 


Diatribe (noun): a bitter or abusive speech of writing.

Charles McGrath, A Literary Visitor Strolls in From the Airport

“Will Self’s new novel, “The Book of Dave” (Bloomsbury USA), is about a London cabdriver who inadvertantly founds a religion when a ranting diatribe he buries in the garden of his ex-wife is dug up five centuries later, in a now post-apocalyptic world, and becomes a sacred text.”

From just this sentence I was able to tell that it was some sort of written document as it would have to be to become a sacred book, however I was unaware of the actual type of book that would be a diatribe. This word makes is easier to tell the difference between a “good” book and one that is filled with hate speech.