Impede: (noun) to interfere with or slow the progress of.
This word was located on the back of the page of (New York City College of Technology : English Department) on paragraph F . The first sentence of Mechanics.
“Mechanics: There are many grammatical and sentence -level error (or patterns of error) that impede understanding.”
While I was waiting for my CST class, I had some time to go over the NYC College of Technology : English Department syllabus . In the first page , I didn’t have any trouble with the reading, I fully understood the first page. However , when I turned the page over , I wasn’t having trouble until I stumbled upon this word “Impede” . I tried using context clues to figured it out by myself and the answer that came to my mind was “hinder”. Wasn’t sure about that answer, so I went online to get a precise definition . Once I learned the definition , and I had a better understanding of the word .