Monthly Archives: December 2017


promiscuity: (noun)  pro·mis·cu·i·ty  \ ˌprä-mə-ˈskyü-ə-tē , ˌprō- \

Definition: miscellaneous mingling or selection of persons or things
 -“Congress has so far been disinclined to protect citizens from their Digital promiscuity  or halt the data grabs perpetrated by internet companies.”
While I was reading the final’s article I came across the word promiscuity and also couldn’t use context clues for this word and went online to look it up.  Once I went online , I understood what the word meant. The way I understood the word , was like a random selection people or things .


Communion (Noun)- an act or instance of sharing

” It was a communion based, in some odd way, on a set of shared separations: Everyone was here for reasons of their own.” – Walk With Me

My understanding of the word, as used in the sentence would be that, everyone was sharing one thing in common and that was that they’re all here for a purpose but that may vary for each individual.

They’re all gathered in communion of the bride and groom’s wedding day.


analogy : (noun)  anal·o·gy  \ ə-ˈna-lə-jē \

Definition: resemblance in some particulars between things otherwise unlike

“An analogy in the psychological literature is that privacy is like sleep.”

When I was reading the finals article , I came across another word that I’ve never seen before . I tried using context clues to figure the word out or have some type of understanding of it , but I couldn’t . After using context clues , I went straight  to merriam webster and got multiple definition’s of the word . I read all of the definition’s and pick the one that made sense with the sentence from the article.  The way I understood what analogy mean’s , comparing two things with a clear understanding and similarities .


Pub (Noun)- An establishment where alcoholic beverages are sold and consumed.

I encountered this word while reading an article provided in class. It stood out to be because I thought I knew its meaning because Ive heard this word before.

“None in your home, on dressing rooms, on the entrance to the local pub or even on restroom stalls at concert halls” – Taken from We Want Privacy, but Cant Stop Sharing

My understanding of a pub is that it is a public bar so hence the name, pub.

Irish Pub


perception :(noun)  per·cep·tion  \ pər-ˈsep-shən \

Definition: a result of perceiving : observation

“…offline environments has shown that just the Perception.”
While I was reading the article ” We Want Privacy ,but Can’t  Stop Sharing” by Kate Murphy ,  I stumble o a word that was very familiar to me.I picked this word because I felt like that I wanted a better understanding of the word even though I know somewhat the word meant. I looked up the word in merriam webster and got a crystal clear definition of it.


implication: (noun)  im·pli·ca·tion  \ ˌim-plə-ˈkā-shən \

 Definition : the act of implicating or  the state of being implicated

“The implication is that if you don’t have it ,you haven’t earned the right or aren’t capable or trustworthy,”
While I was reading the article that we are going to use in the final , I came across the word Implication  and felt like I heard that word before but could remember the definition of the word . I was trying to figure the word out ,but still couldn’t figure it out. I went online looking for the definition and got the context.


Increment (Noun)- the action or process of increasing especially in quantity or value

“The Statue of Liberty has never made me feel at home, either in New York Harbor or on Las Vegas Boulevard, where it stood squat and compressed as I drove past, a facsimile in incremental scale.” – Walk With Me

My understanding of the word as it was used in the sentence is that the Statue of Liberty was being view based on a large scaling because it looks very good to be a duplicate of the real one that stands in NYC.

Growth from smallest to largest



: the quality or state of being sociable; also : the act or an instance of being sociable

he enforced sociability of the midday meal


I also found this word in the same article we’re using for our final, when I read the sentence in which the word was contained in I understood what the word meant but just to be very clear of its context I looked up the word.