Project #4 Draft

In New York City there are undoubtedly a lot of places to go to for the beauty, serenity and the energized business that is the city. New York City has always been a place that has many descriptions depending on where you go in the city. However, there isn’t a lot of people who get to experience these wonderful places on their commutes to work or school. There isn’t much time in our daily lives to appreciate the surroundings that we are in due to our constant day to day worries and schedules that take over our lives despite our dreams about living carefree.

One day on my own commute to school, I took the long way. One way for me to get to school is to walk down five blocks away from my house to the B41 bus that is always crowded, or if it isn’t crowded all the seats are taken up by older people. Thankfully, this time I was able to get a seat by the window so I can look out at the passing neighborhoods. As a person who is always musically in-tuned, I usually start off my mornings with lo-fi hip hop beat instrumentals and soft R&B, driving down Flatbush isnt anything new to me but with my own music in my ears I take notice of a lot of different things I would have ignored before. When I get off at Atlantic Ave, I begin weaving my way through the insane amount of people that are somehow awake and loud at ten in the morning. Walking through crowds in the morning is absolutely not my cup of tea as I am a very fast paced walker while the rest of the people are very slow, its even more troublesome as there are people who walk faster than you only to slow down in front of you once they passed. Walking through City Point on DeKalb always makes my mornings a little bit better as I get to breathe easy in the open but loud space and look at all my favorite shopping stores like Century21 or Forever21. When I get to Jay Street, its always crowded no matter what time of day it is, even more-so than Atlantic Ave. I can say that on this walk, I know that I like the business energy of the area because it makes me appreciate the quiet even more.

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