


noun  cor·re·late  \ ˈkȯr-ə-lət , ˈkär- , -ˌlāt 
When either of the two things so related that one directly implies or is.
where I first encounter the word Correlate is in the city tech reading for the class in the what if you could choose between the fastest route and the most beautiful. Once I encountered the word correlated immediately tried to put it in a sentence and use It they way that they used it but I still didn’t quite understand the meaning of the word . When I look the word correlate up and I use the word correlated into a sentence I think I understand what the word now means to correlate when two things go together. The sentence I used for the word correlate was those emails correlates directly to me getting a new position. I now fairly underatsnd what the word mean and I can use it in a sentence and when I encounter the word again I will not get confused about what the word now menas.

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