“City Limits” Synopsis

The article “City Limits” by Colson Whitehead is just him going on a jaunt through New York’ best and worst parts and his experiences and his perspective on the changes that occurred. He addresses the many things that makes New York the city that he loves. In the passage he explains to the reader that New York goes through so many changes at a very rapid pace. “Damage has been done to your city. You say, it happened overnight.” His dramatic insight towards New York going through changes will have any reader believe that nothing lasts forever in the gargantuan concrete jungle. “Or old buildings still stand because we saw them, moved in and out of their long shadows, were lucky enough to know them for a time.” This means that he believes that no matter what new buildings replace the old ones, we were still there to see the old ones , so therefore we are lucky to see such change happen to a city we live and die in. Colson’s main point in this passage is that everyday the city of New York changes, whether it’s a small change or a big one everyone and everything affects one another. Some changes people won’t care about until it’s impacts someone or something but us as New Yorkers fail to realize how a minor change can affect a very large population of the city. Colson has a very strong pride in being a New Yorker, he’s proud to say that he’s seen the city he group up in change. But he knows that no matter how many changes the city goes through he will always love it.

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