Juxtapositions I saw during my walk

For this new project, I chose to walk around Willoughby Street because every time I came to school it was always crowded and loud. Since I had the time to actually walk around the area, I noticed distinct differences between that street and City point-Dekalb Market that had just recently been built.

I can say that I’ve known the Fulton area pretty well since I usually went there to go shopping with my mom when I was a little bit younger, but, walking down Willoughby Street felt like I was walking down Flatbush Ave. There were lots of loud people.. too much loud people, its a bit dirty and a handful of unsavory people hang out there on the street. The shops that lined up on the street were all very close together, there was about one or two deli shops that looked newer than the old buildings so it contradicted with the overall cheap feel of the area. But when I walked down a bit further to where City point was, the air felt way different. From Willoughby Street you can only see the back of city point, its still under construction but there is a different feel around that area even though its only one-two blocks away from Willoughby. City Point is cleaner, and its a little less quieter. Compared to Willoughby street which only has a few shops here and there, inside City Point there is a huge variety of shops to go to! Also theres a huge market downstairs which has, what I like to call, the flavors of New York City. It has lots of different restaurants of different cuisines that its like going to all the different places of the city.

In Charles McGrath’s “A literary visitor strolls in from the airport” Mr.Self says that, “Its that he couldn’t conceptually grasp the idea of walking to New York. I love that.” I feel like that really resonates with my experience because whenever I ask one of my friends to walk with me to Dekalb market they always complain about how far it is from the school, but when I show them what inside is like they feel like they’re exploring the whole taste of the city even though they’re in one place. Walking down Willoughby Street is loud and a lot of rowdy people are there but when I make that transition from there to Dekalb its almost like a mini-manhattan.

I think its very interesting to know that although Willoughby and Dekalb are two different places, with very different vibes. They’re both places people go to get food in between school and work, and they both have their own distinct “tastes” of New York City.

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