Unity not Division


Derick Morales



          In human history there has been many controversies about different topic’s   like , religion,  evolution, sports  and many more.  The most recent controversy in the present time are  about the placements of monuments.  Merriam Webster defines monument as monument  stone or a building erected in remembrance of a person or event” . For example , The Statue Of Liberty ,  The Freedom tower,Prison Ship Martyrs Monument , and other monuments . However, not all  monuments bring good remembrance , they also can bring negative reminders as well. In this present day , there are many controversies about whether if some monuments should remain in place or be removed because of many historical injustices that occurred in the past. I believe that monuments that represents division to our country instead of unity , should be taken down because it affects,  us as a country.

       There are many monuments that bring positive patriotic feelings towards us and that unify us as well. A perfect example would be The Statue Of Liberty.  This monument was constructed in 1876 by Frenchman Edouard de Laboulaye , to show that the United States Of America  were allies with it France and became a universal monument for freedom.  This monument brought more people to come to America for a better life . According to the site, edsitement.neh.gov ” “It stirs the desire for freedom in people all over the world. It represents the United States itself”.   Meaning that, many people from all over the world came to this country, looking for freedom and to be part of this amazing country.  Despite the conflicts we are  having  as a country as of now, we can always stand tall together and be proud of this monument because of its symbolic message .  

         Although, there are many monuments that symbolize in a positive  and unifying aspect. There are also many monument that bring negative messages ,  reminding of  people hatred and representing division towards one another.  This would effected us because we would be unstable as a country and wouldn’t  be able to move forward. For example,  the chaotic rally in Charlottesville , VA. There was a  white supremacist  march in the University Of Virginia . Their  purpose for marching  was to keep the monument of Robert .E. Lee because it represented their culture. The next day, the counter-protester came to the rally to go against their  beliefs and took down the monument of  Robert . E. Lee. Then the rally escalated into a deadly situation, killing one person. However, Robert .E. Lee was a general for the confederate army during the 1800’s and was known as a legendary commander. Also, he was  praised for his accomplishments and this is reason why there are many monument of him in the south. This resulted of the removal of Robert.E.Lee  monument  and surprisingly the rally slowly died out.  This event showed the hidden hatred of a certain group and the reality of division in this country.

         There are  some monuments that have contributed and unified us as country despite of there action that they did during the past. For example, George Washington . George Washington was the first commander in chief during the Revolutionary war(National War Hero) , was the first president of The United States , and also participated in the Constitution.  Despite all of the accomplishments that he did , he still had slaves working for him.  40% of Fairfax county were slaves, and some were mistreated.  It might seem controversial that Washington could’ve been a pro for slavery  or not, but George Washington played a huge role in America’s history and united us when America was going through a revolution. The George Washington statue wouldn’t be removed because he was a big part of the American history and made us stronger as a country.  

         In conclusion, there are some  monuments that reminds us of the past with hatred for others and bringing back old ideology . The present America contributed the growth of America . This   affects us as  country because if us, as Americans stay divided , we’re never going to move forward as a country unless we take action. We shouldn’t be stuck with old teachings, but learn from the mistakes that we have made during the past and grow from them. However, we shouldn’t have monument that breaks us apart as a country . We should have monuments that represent people that made what America is today and that unify us . Despite that, some of the people  on those monuments did horrible thing , but in a sense that they  contributed for the growth of America. In present time  we still have racism going on, but hopefully in the  near future , we can  remove every single  negative monument that divides us as country.  Also, we can come to an understanding and become one as a country.




Heim, Joe.”Recounting a day of rage, hate, violence and death”. The Washington Post.14, August, 2017.

“The Statue of Liberty: The Meaning and Use of a National Symbol”. EDSITEment. 27,September, 2010.

Cox,  L. Karen. “Why Confederate Monuments Must Fall” . New York Times.  15, August ,2017.


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