Project two

Donald Nian

Professor Jody R. Rosen


Oct 2nd 2017



In New York City, there are many monuments that are important and each monument has a story behind it. Each monument is important because it represents our past accomplishments  and helps us better understand the history of the monument itself. These monuments teach us lessons, and these lessons helps us better understand what is being discussed. New York is filled with tourists and these monuments help them better understand the history of our city and the many accomplishments we have made. Therefore, it is believed that we should keep these monuments because they play a significant role in showing our many accomplishments and history.

The Korean war veteran plaza is a monument that should make people proud, especially Koreans and Americans. The Korean war was seen as comical to many because North Korea wanted to have only one Korea, and initiated the war. However, this war was important because many people in the army partook in this war and fought for our country; there were many lives lost. A lot of soldiers were missing, dead, and injured. Another reason why it was so important to remember this monument because soldiers that fought for us has families and they lost their lives. At the plaza, the majority of the people are tourists and they seem to not understand what the monument means. People usually tend to take pictures with the monument, but not really go into depth with understanding the history of it.

Another fact is that some monuments are often overlooked by many. There are mainly two reasons why it is overlooked: one reason is where the monument is located or people are just not interested in learning the history behind that monument.

It is pretty upsetting to see how people go to some monuments to just take pictures, have a picnic, or just loitering there. If we all think carefully about the history, we should realize or say “Oh is this what they’ve gone through? It must be tough for them.” Another reason that it is not okay is when monuments are taken down for another thing or because one needs the space. It is understandable to learn history in the textbooks however going to see a statue gives us a better experience.

Another example can be that Robert E. Lee and Stonewall jackson were removed from the CUNY hall of great americans because New York stands against racism. It says that Lee and Jackson were best known for leading a seditious war against the union. In the article, it says “There are many great Americans, many of them New Yorkers worthy of a spot in this great hall. These two confederates are not among them.” This explains that these two monuments were not supposed to be in the great hall due to racism. Another quote in the article was, Busts of Lee and Jackson — best known for leading a seditious war against the Union — are featured in the hall alongside prominent black Americans such as inventor George Washington Carver and baseball great Jackie Robinson. Lee was inducted in 1900 and Jackson in 1955.” This explains Lee’s and Jackson’s history.

These are some examples that were provided within the text to back up my thesis as to why monuments should be kept and why it is so symbolic to one’s city. Monuments should not be taken so lightly and should be seen in a more deeper context. It shouldn’t just be something that is to be taken a picture of, but it should make a stance in one’s perspectives. We should always remember what the monument means and the history behind it.


  1. Jaeger, Max. “Cuomo orders Confederate busts removed from CUNY ‘Hall of Fame’.” New York Post, New York Post, 16 Aug. 2017,


1 thought on “Project two

  1. Herson

    Herson Garcia
    Prof. Rosen


    Monuments are reminders of people successes and a tribute people who died or a memorial for people who died in tragedies or of our veterans who were in wars that we fought and war memories or buildings that are historical to that state or place . In New york you’ll find monument in every part of the boroughs which are tributes /memories towards people who did something great passed away or were killed in a tragedy of war or a reminder of a war or building . Not everyone believes or agrees monuments should be out in public and should be put into museums I agree with that statement i believe they should be put into museums.

    I believe monuments should be put into museums for many reasons one of them is because museums are where these type of things are usually and people actually go to look at them and learn stuff about our country. People no longer actually go to these memorial sites where monuments are located people just go to take pictures where these monuments are and share them on social media to show their friends where they went not because they actually care. One example is the horse statue outside of central park it has historic meaning to new york but people don’t really care about gaining knowledge about the statue. Meanwhile people go to a museum to learn about what this monument means what it signifies who it is a tribute to etc. Another reason is people sometime vandalize these monuments show it zero respect throw garbage around it do graffiti on it and it just desymbolizes what the monument means and was put up for. Therefore they should be in a museum where no one can vandalize them and these monuments are kept safe and aren’t desymbolized.

    Also monuments should be kept put in museums because some may be considered disrespectful to people and remind people of things they don’t need to be reminded of things they just want to forget and just leave it behind them or offend people. Yeah they might have historical meanings but that doesn’t mean all historical monuments are of honor and joy some bring painful flashback or are meant to still be around some just kind of should be placed indoors where people who actually want to see these monuments can see them not out in public where some people don’t want to see them or care to see them.

    We live in a different era not everyone cares about these monuments as much as people did back then did people nowadays are attached to their phone walk by them without noticing or caring about them what they symbolize or mean so why not put them somewhere where people actually care about learning what they mean symbolize or the history about these monuments but hey that’s just my opinion…


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