I think this project will be very interesting. I’m looking forward to working with my peers and breaking out of my shell. Not only that but this project will inform us controversial situations that occurring everyday. Not only would I be more informed, but I expand my knowledge on the information and make better judgments towards situations. Working with others will help me to see other point of views, which will aid in becoming a better writer. On a different hand I am usually good at working well with others and always make sure that i complete the tasks that i have been assigned.I come from a relatively large family so I understand the importance of everyone being able to work together. I see myself as a supportive teammate and if one of my peers are struggling  I wouldn’t hesitate to lend them a helping hand. You get to know people when your working closely with them and I’m looking forward to getting to know my classmates in a different way. Overall I can’t wait to start the project !

3 thoughts on “

  1. lovesu

    I also like working in groups also we get to work with different people through out the class and the class becomes a little more active which I like I like hands on things or rather activities so yes it will be good working with the class through out the project .I am also supportive also . That’s true you do get to know people more when you are working within a group I think that the class should be more hands on anyway.

  2. sarique

    This project we will definitely teach us about all of the controversial situations that happen daily. Getting others points of views is a good way to expand your knowledge. I am also looking forward to getting to know some of you guys

  3. Tiffany

    I think that’t the most interesting part of the project: breaking out of our shells. It’s seriously so quiet in class whenever we have discusses. I hope after this project, we can start speaking up in class stating our opinion and make friends.


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