Project 1

My name is Dayana Lucero and I am currently a freshmen at City Tech. I am majoring in Law/Paralegal studies. I am currently in the Bachelors program for Law/Paralegal studies but I do intended in minoring in something related to computers. I choose this career for many reasons but the main reason was my family. My parents are undocumented immigrants which doesn’t allow them to enjoy many privileges that documented immigrants and Americans do. For their
Status in this country I have witnessed many occasions people of higher authority abuse the rights of my parents. Although, they are not documented in this country their rights are still protected by many laws but many immigrants like parents are not aware of their rights because they are ignorant to them. This really helped develop my interest and passion for law and justice especially for people who’s voices are not heard. I love to know that the education I will gain will lead me to a career where I can bring positive change to someone’s life. I live with one motto in my life and that is “Live your life with no regrets so when you’re old you don’t think back and say what if because you took the risk when you had the opportunity”. Personally, I live with this motto because life is too short to be shy of risks. When you’re young you have so much energy and life that we should take advantage of it as long as were not hurting ourselves. Our decisions are not always going to be approved by everyone but only you can take charge of your life. Therefore, ten years from now I hope to have stable employment in the law field, a healthy relationship with my friends, family, and myself and no regrets. For now, I am aiming to be a great student in all my classes, develop valuable work ethic and experience in law, and develop good networking skills. With life being short I aspire to be the best version of myself and I intend on doing that in the law field to help prevent people from facing similar challenges I faced.

The image I choose for my profile was taken this summer at Bryant Park while hanging out with some friends. In the image you can see me pushing my hair back while smiling at something afar. I believe this image is a good representation of myself because it reflects my life motto, “No regrets”. I see this because I look at things in life regardless of the possible level of challenge with a smile. I don’t like to get intimidated by challenges rather I like to take them with grace and a smile. Challenges are meant to help us grow and learn and when we take these challenges with grace they become a worthy learning experience. In addition, in the picture you can see me pushing my hair back and personally to me it means “whatever”. Most of my decisions are not okay with my parents mainly because we believe in different things. Although, its not easy to not always have your own parents approval I have learned to accept the fact I cant make others happy because only I can take charge of my life. I am the best person to tell myself what makes me happy and to be happy you make decisions that will give you that happiness.

My image however, can be seen in a complete different view to another person. To someone who usually is on social media may label my image as a fake off guard. A fake off guard is a picture of someone pretending to not be aware they are being photographed but they really know. In addition, someone may say that the girl being photographed believes she is very attractive therefore making her conceited. My body language can send this message because as I am smiling it seems I am very confident in myself. To some confidence is not always seen as a good attribute rather its related to negative connotations. The confidence displayed in the picture may help someone quickly jump to negative conclusions about me.

As I review my profile, I am very proud to see the change in myself as an individual. In my profile, I highlight the importance of my life motto in my personal life. Before living by this motto in my life I used to be afraid of the disapproval of others and challenges. Now I am slowly starting to live life to the fullest with the guarantee I am making myself happy. This is so important to me because for many years in my life I felt trapped about what makes me happy. However, now I really am enjoying my life and I don’t feel trapped. This new feeling of freedom allows me to be myself and reach new possibilities. This freedom has allowed me to come to college and study what I love, law. This is so important to completing my education here at City Tech because I can take the opportunities that may present themselves in order to help me in my career. I see these opportunities as a chance to help me grow professionally. Growing professionally is vital to being the best at what you do and staying in the top. I am willing to sacrifice many things to reach my happiness and live without regrets.

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