My name is Kyle and I am currently enrolled at City Tech. I graduated from Brooklyn Technical High School, in which I was a very active member of the school community. I was the president of the Media Major within my High School, giving me leadership skills and the ability to work with others. I sang for my High school’s Chamber choir for four years. I have strong interest in the Arts. I am a self-taught guitar player, and am currently studying jazz guitar. I am also adobe and auto-desk suite certified. I enjoy interacting with others, although it takes me a while to open up.
I am very aesthetically centralized around looking organized and put together. I like the idea of seeming put together effortlessly. I love minimalist fashion, I find a nice sweater, pants and shoes can say a lot more about a person than someone wearing loud clothes. I also really like designers that don’t put heavy branding on their clothes. If you need to put your name on it, it usually isn’t that unique. The style of clothing should be unique to the individual designer.
In terms of art, I appreciate the fine arts, I’ve always wanted to try my hand at sculpting, but haven’t found the time. I’m in love with the creative process and how people can get lost in it for hours. I really appreciate music artists for their craft, and as a guitarist and singer I feel like I can appreciate the process as well as the product. In High School while I was studying for my adobe certification tests, I spent hours and hours online creating artwork. Most of the time I’d delete it and I’d start all over, but it’s amazing how fast time flys by when you’re so interested in something.
My big goal for college is to learn to accept the fact that I don’t need to focus on a profession. Although it’s a good idea to focus on one profession, I don’t think there is a particular trade that I’m exceptional in. I couldn’t do one job for more than five years. I think I’d be moving around from project to project trying to better myself as a person.
I chose this avatar because it’s a photo of me. I feel like there is no one better to represent you, than yourself. It’s a bit old and small because I don’t really take pictures unless I’m feeling good about where I am in life. When I take photos I want to make sure I remember how I felt when I took it. This was at my orthodontist’s office. I was waiting to be called and as always I looked at the mirror and felt better about how I looked that day than previous times. Which was a refreshing experience because I didn’t feel very good about the way I looked in high school. But now I feel that I am more secure about the way I look and my fashion sense. Which is why my mirror selfies are so valuable to me. I also feel that mirror selfies allow me to see how I look to others. They help me look at myself subjectively. I also really liked the color palette of my orthodontist’s office, it’s all pastel color and Broadway themed. Which reinforces my keenness to organized things.
I suppose the avatar could also be interpreted as me being vain or self obsessed. To be in an office waiting for an appointment and taking photos of myself. Although I don’t think of taking a lot of pictures of myself being self obsessed, I can tell how one might feel that way. It could also be a spur of the moment kind of deal where I was just bored and decided to take a picture. I’m not really sure how this picture can be mistaken for anything else, it’s pretty much just a selfie.
Writing this profile helped me realize that people see me as someone who has no idea what he’s doing. I think I will begin telling people that I am still deciding on a major, instead of telling people I have no idea at all. It makes people think I am ill prepared and have nothing to offer. I also realized that I don’t have many photos of myself!