
Frequency:  (Noun) The number of repetitions of a periodic process in a unit of time

The word was found on the First page of the Guidelines for Blogging on the Openlab Packet, it is the first Title in Bold.

Blog Frequency, Quantity, & Deadlines

When i received the handout i immediately skimmed through the first page and saw the Bold title “Blog Frequency, Quantity, & Deadlines” I Definitely heard and knew what the word was but i just couldn’t think of a definition at the time. It was always one of those words that i knew but could never really define. I tried to read the rest of the page to see if i could figure it out on my own and i thought that the word was similar to persistence I was kind of correct at the time but i looked up the word to see for myself, i know know the true definition.

1 thought on “Frequency

  1. Jody R. Rosen

    Be sure to apply the definition of the word into the quotation you’ve drawn from the source (in this case, the blogging guidelines). It’s not clear yet that you understand what the word means, so anyone reading your glossary entry won’t likely understand the word either.


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