Monthly Archives: April 2017

Live Well Session 2

I had been maintaining my exercise in swimming since last session and currently eating a slight healthier. I try to maintain no eating carbs at nighttime but sometime I crave for sweets. The sweets helps me maintain and manage my stress. Once I have more free time, I will be more active on going to gym and eating healthier.

LiveWell session 2

After completing my session 2, I noticed that now I’m at the action level for healthy eating, exercise and on maintenance level for stress management. I feel proud that It has changed my eating habits for good. While going through the question I realized how important healthy died can be and also made it easy for me by recommending what I should be eating and also the amount. For exercise, I was at the precontemplation level in the beginning and now I’m on the action level because I made promise to myself to work out at least 5 times a week. I even kept my exercise equipment right next to where I spend most of the day when I’m home which is right next to my computer and I make sure to take break once in a while and do little exercise so that way I don’t have to take extra time out for my exercise. Although I’m not very consistent and my exercise time changes day to day but at least it’s better then not doing at all. For stress management I was on maintenance in the beginning of starting the live well program and I’m still on the same level, I really like the story of other students who talk about how they dealt with stress and what they did, this also helped me a lot.

Live Well Post for 2nd session

The second session revisited some of these same questions that the previous one asked about. This has helped to establish and track the progress in the areas that needed to become better, or to continue maintain the good work from before the first stage. I have had my activities side of things on a maintenance stage, as I have been working out for extensive periods of time systematically. However my nutrition intake results showed that I need to eat more fruits and vegetables per day. So I did. I tried to include this type of food in every meal I have and keep at least recommended 4 cups per day. Another suggestion was for me to find someone, who would track my achievements, and have someone to, basically, report to. However I disagree, as I would not trust my motivation and will to lead and maintain healthy living to other people.

Live Well, Session 2

Even though I am in Action and Maintenance phase, after session 2, I have to be honest, I gained weight while the winter season. I need workout to lose pounds that I gained. I prefer jogging and exercising   in the park next to my house. Working all day in the musk, I feel luck of oxygen, so I need more fresh air. Also, in the summer time every Sunday I rent a bicycle, and make a ride around Central Park. These ridings are charging me with the positive emotions and energy for the next working week. I cannot complain on my eating habits, because I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, fish and grains. I just need to stop to eat ice cream and candies, which I used to eat to manage my stress.


Live Well Session 2

Healthy Eating has always been a difficult process for me. My schedule is crammed with work, school, and other responsibilities that I barely get to eat all three meals sometimes. I do have plans to begin my meal prep again Sunday night, to force myself into better eating habits since the food will be all set, done, and made for me already. Hopefully that will work and I can with time become a member of the “maintenance stage”.

Live Well session 2

Session 2 of Live Well has great tips on eating healthy and choosing your foods wisely.  Already on my fourth month into my diet, I’ve been practicing healthy eating along with daily work-outs that sometimes extends to two full hours or more. I’m a firm believer, and through known facts that no matter how strenuous or lengthy your workout is a difference will not be noticed unless the diet changes with the workouts – its imperative to follow a strict diet and Live Well has vital information that can help with a healthier diet. I was placed in the “Action” phase of the ladder and will continue with my diet until my goal has been achieved.

Live Well II

I enjoy going to the live well site, it reminds me that I need to eat better, exercise and live better.  In this second stage I am under maintenance which is okay but I can work harder.  I went grocery shopping instead of getting chips I purchased grapes, bananas, blueberries and oranges.  When I want a snack I can reach out for the fruits also my boys can have some fruits instead of chips.  I started walking the dog for thirty minutes instead of 10 or 15 minutes so it’s a start.  Hopefully, since the weather is getting better we can do longer walks and go to the park.  This will also help to release stress.

Live well sesson 2

I have changed my eating habits to more of a clean way of eating.Live well taught me to eat more greens.Before I was only eating fast food, since sticking with eating more greens I have lost 5 pounds, not only am I eating well but I am walking more, parking my car from a distance to walk to work.

LiveWell Session 2 (healthy eating)

I just completed LiveWell Session 2. Right now I am in maintenance stage for exercise and managing stress. Also, I am in the action stage for eating healthy. I completely changed my diet. Now it’s only healthy and nutritious meals. My wife is very supportive and we literally stock the shelves with fruits and vegetables every day. My favorite snack now is fresh cut papaya.

Live Well session 2 by yasmine

Every time I do the exercises on Live Well I found that I fall in the preparation stage in physical activity. So I decided to move forward and maintain my exercise weekly regardless my busy schedule and my tiredness. I focused on days and times I don’t feel so tired and more energetic. I continued exercising with the pre-k kids during their movement and music hours, which is two or three times a week depend on the teacher. With changing weather I start to walk to work and from few days a week. Eating healthy still in maintenance stage which I am proud of .