Live well sesson 2

I have changed my eating habits to more of a clean way of eating.Live well taught me to eat more greens.Before I was only eating fast food, since sticking with eating more greens I have lost 5 pounds, not only am I eating well but I am walking more, parking my car from a distance to walk to work.

2 responses to “Live well sesson 2

  1. That’s awesome the hardest thing to do is change your eating habits. I am also trying to change but it is a hard transition. Great work stay positive and motivated. You are on your way to success and staying healthy.

  2. good job, its really hard to change the way that we eat, but we have to do it slowly. congratulations on your weight lost and keep doing that walking is looks like its helping, I’m also walking in my lunch hour but I get tired easily and I don’t do it every day, but at least I’m trying. keep it up

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