In the Spotlight: Our Places: How We Commemorate

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In Our Places: How We Commemorate, students in Prof. Mary Sue Donsky’s course LAW 2301 Estates, Trusts and Wills, a research class, explore memorial sites of the deceased. Taking their legal study out of the classroom, they research and photograph these sites, taking a close look at the ways that we commemorate the dead. Then they share their learning and reflections with each other. Examples include memorials for celebrated baseball player Tony Gwynn, for the actress Anita Ekberg, and for those lost in 9/11. Take a look to see more.

In the Spotlight: Our Places: How We Commemorate

Our Places: How We Commemorate

This project is associated with Mary Sue Donsky’s LAW 2301 course, Estates, Trusts, and Wills.  Students  researched a commemoration for someone who had died, and posted photos and descriptions of the  commemoration sites, which were located in neighborhoods all over the city.  The types of commemorations were diverse, ranging from buildings, sculptures, photographs, street signs, and murals.  The work provides a deeper look at sites we might normally just pass by each day without taking much notice.