Internship Journal Entry 3 2/20/18

I had my professor look into my resume. She told me I need to make adjustments on the look. Make it look more appealing. She did brought some student’s resume from Pratt as examples. A lot of them looked simple at first glance, but, they have a logo of their name. Some of them had decor throughout to demonstrate themselves as them as illustrators. I am going to work on the design of my resume over the weekend and then send it to my professor to get a review. Also go to a resume workshop at school. Once that gets an ok, I’ll send it to a few internships I have an interest in.

For our assignment, we have to find a networking event to attend to. I am planning to go to one 2 weeks later from now. If I don’t have an internship ’til then, I will bring my resume with me in case I can meet someone who knows an intern position.