Author Archives: Nancy


This week on my internship I’ve been working on changes for the final designs that my boss liked the most. It has been fun, and challenging in a way. Sometimes it can be a bit frustrating changing very small details multiple times, however I understand that that is the correct way to creating something great and that will satisfy the person/people you are working for.

Here are just some of the versions for 1 of the designs, there’s still no official final design but it’s getting there:







I’ve been focusing the most on this particular one because this is the one with the most potential, due to the specific track around the logo; it makes more sense for this particular shop and it personal value to my boss, the founder of this bike shop. I look forward in creating something that will potentially be printed out and worn, this only gives me the motivation to continue working on it and become better at what I do.



Today is Feb. 16th and I just came from my first meeting with one of the managers of the shop I’ll be interning at. He was extremely nice and explained to me what I’d be doing for them. I will be in charge of the advertising for them, basically on their social media as well as coming up with concepts and design ideas for their shirts ( they have clothing as well ). He walked me through the store and showed me everything they had, I was really excited to be there. After we spoke some more about what I did and was able to do for them, we agreed on the days that worked for me, that didn’t interrupt school or work for me. By the end of our meeting I stayed in the shop for a little while, walking around and looking at the things they had. I went to the back and started brain storming and sketching new ideas for their logo, whatever came to mind I tried to put on paper and I had fun doing it. My next day working there will be sunday (feb 22) and I am looking forward in learning more about the place and coming up with brand new ideas. By the way, it’s called TREAD Bike Shop and they have amazing stuff in case any of you guys are into bicycling!


Today (Feb. 11th) has been an interesting day, it’s like all the opportunities decided to all just come together at the same time. I was looking at my email during class today (sorry professor), and I noticed I got 2 emails from 2 of the places I emailed asking to see more of my work. I was excited to hear from them and my plan was to email them back after class. When the class was almost over, a classmate came up to me and mentioned how they need help at her work place with product shooting and a couple of other stuff. She mentioned it was a bike shop and I asked for the location and surprisingly enough is in my neighborhood so I was more than happy to accept the opportunity and see what it is all about. I am opened to anything as long as it encourages me to do my best and teaches me along the way. I feel lucky right now, I was feeling very stressed out before thinking no one was going to give me a chance or that I was going to end up not taking the internship class this semester, but I am glad things have turned the way they have. Now I’m ready to go through this new experience.


SIDE NOTE: I’ve been writing all of my journals on my notebook since I’ve had no time to really type it and post it here. (Although I already have an internship now, this was before I did)

All week I’ve been thinking about this internship. I am worried that nobody is going to contact me back and I won’t be able to graduate because of it. Maybe I’m just being a bit dramatic because it’s my last semester and I want everything to go as planned. I have been patiently waiting, I’m just hoping it doesn’t take forever to hear from someone back. I have hopes that soon enough I will get a response from someone. I really just want to be in a place where I get to use my creativity and the skills I’ve learned throughout my student career. Even if is something small, I’ll be content with it because it will give me the opportunity to work on something that is actual real for a client. I hope that when I do find a place to intern it is a fun and chill environment where I will meet and work with people that love what they do and don’t look miserable because that will be a little discouraging.


I started looking for internships the day after our first class, unfortunately I don’t have an internship set just yet. I’ve found many interesting places that require things I know I can provide. My only fear is that I don’t have much experience (other than my school work) in the field. Therefore I don’t have much to say about anything design related on my resume. My hopes are that they still seem interested and give me a chance to show that I can be a great help to their team. I hope to work/intern at an advertising place  because that is what I’m most interested in. I expect it to be fun and educational, I’m looking forward to it.