Journal # 9 Stephanie Venegas

The day before going into the office, I received an email from Mitch. He sent over the a few photos of the bike shelf with my packaging on. It came out SO AWESOME. I thanked him for giving me the opportunity. The shelves are going to be sold through a cycling distributor called BTI and a small mom and pop store called Made in Brooklyn.

My next assignment is to design some t-shirts. Wyatt showed me a few lifestyle brands he’s interested in, and what style he prefers. I completely understand what he wants. On the other side, Mitch wants to keep it simple and use their logo with maybe a few symbols to spruce it up a bit. While they were going at it, I made a few samples of badges and placed them on some shirt mock-ups. They loved the direction but never finalized anything with me. We were thinking about making a t shirt for a bike event that takes place in the neighborhood called The Red Hook Crit. It’s a world famous race where riders compete on a very technical track on fixed gear bikes. The shirts would be targeted to the tourists that come to Brooklyn for the event. For now its just an idea, but it isn’t a confirmed assignment.

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