Tag Archives: Wu

Online privacy

Though I do agree with both Wright’s and Thevenin’s posts I must add information that I found incredibly relevant towards informing us of how we can better protect our information that is shown to the world. It may have just been me who found the article that Patrick Marshall wrote extremely eye-opening and different. Usually I read news articles and do not find them that interesting unless something major occurred but I was actually quite fascinated with this article since it talks about something that I think everyone nowadays is concerned with, our privacy. I am not someone who usually is worried about most of my information being put up on the internet but after reading “Online Privacy”, I had to make sure some of my information is “guarded” and to ensure most of my things are set to the correct settings. I am surprised that Facebook is one of the sites that actually cares about its users and tries to protect us. Now it just encourages me to be even more careful with the things that I have on my Facebook though most of my things are set to be viewed by my friends or just private. Patrick Marshall’s article fascinated me more so than Tim Wu’s since it demonstrates how some companies are willing to buy the information that we give to some sites. How fooled have we all or most likely I been?