Tag Archives: Tufte

“Many Hands Make Light Work”

Woodshed’s epigram adequately describes the mentality of internet business and services alike. People are becoming participants in lieu of mere observers. We are eager to give our two cents, and share our experiences and knowledge with websites such as Wikipedia, in turn providing better service. Businesses are starting to see the immediate advantages of encouraging consumers to input data. The infinite amount of data people provide allow businesses to better serve their customers and adapt to their ever volatile and shifting wants and needs. This is not a new practice, as seen by Dr. Snow’s life-saving success in data analysis and Hammerbacher’s financial success in “Big Data” analysis. With the exponential leaps in technology, the amount of data is becoming overwhelming. An esoteric field will in the years to come become a field employing millions. However, many people are uncomfortable with the idea of others knowing their everyday goings and personal preferences. Any person with a smartphone is passively contributing data to businesses. There is still alot of ambiguity and differing opinions on the matter of “Big Data” analysis.