Tag Archives: Researching

Help I am lost!

With all this information available at my finger tips it is easy to get lost in web pages. Having to read articles, and judging which ones have the most relevance to my topic becomes overwhelming. Using scholarly works for research again reminds me of how much I can trust the information provided. As long as I am willing to spend the time scanning them. I do mean “scan” because reading entire articles would be too time consuming. I used ERIC – Education Resources Information Center in class and was enticed by how much more solid the information provided was. Rather then using Google and having to be skeptical about what I clicked on. Both search engines require navigation through a lot of information, however ERIC provides scholarly work which I can trust more. Using key words and playing around with them helps me bring up more narrow search results. This is definitely helping me to find my way, in the beginning stages of looking for concrete material for my paper.