Tag Archives: plagiarising

Everyday thieves.

284541-2059-24Do we steal ideas and not even know it?  In elementary school before the Internet was used  daily, I would write an essay by copying striaght out of my textbook. I would do this and give no credit to the author. I assumed it was already known I could not have come up with that idea, and it was also known I copied it from somewhere. I was a kid, so who cared. Widdicombe writes of an author who was notorious for plagiarising various authors to wright his own book. It was like an addiction. Even he believed he was not doing anything wrong at one point. Later he became paranoid at the theft of ideas he was guilty of. Isserman’s article says we all commit plagiarism and are not aware of it. I was a kid so no one paid attention to my innocent theft. Today I understand the reward in being original. Even though I understand this, I still ask do we steal ideas and not even know it?