Author Archives: Frank

Step by Step

The only thing that i can relate to a process documentation would be a manual for an aircraft. It gives a small description on how the system/parts work. There are time when more than one manual is used for a single repair. The manual will take you step by step on how to do the job with caution notes inserted between steps. Every little repair or replacement of a part must go according to the manual and FAA standards. Depending on the task at hand missing one step or ignoring a step could be difference between life or death.




The main difference between the search engine and a library database, as soon as i started typing “Invasion of Privacy” on google it suggested multiple search keywords, but on ebsco no suggestions were given. Ebsco focuses mostly on academic articles/journals, not that google doesnt have it in their search engines. EBSCO has these academic journals organized and more simpler to locate   . When i clicks on a new york times article, it provide me with the journalists name, year of publication and a link to the article but upon clicking the link it took me directly to the NYTIMES homepage. On google, it provides you a direct to the link to the article website. Google provides you with wikipedia and also links to videos, also at the bottom of the 1st page on google all the way at the bottom it provides me with more search keywords. Though most of them were no help and google also provide information on a movie title “Invasion of Privacy”.

Where to go?

Using google, bing, or similar search engines, the information sources are there but so is useless pages of information. Using, and google scholar, made searching for information much easier. It was more relevant to my topic also somewhat helped me narrow down my research topic, thou i still need to tweak the topic. Also using easybib made it easier for me to save some the sources instead of trying to recall what website the artlice was on, and spend countless of hours trying to find the website. Using websites like made it easier to narrow down my sources but also made it difficult to pick and choose which articles to use, since majority of the sources seemed relevant..

Down the road

THe most difficult part of this research proposal draft was actually trying to figure out what topic to choose. Trying to narrow the the topic i hit a wall. Its like writing a paper for my sociology paper, i chose crime but the number of categories that fell under crime made it difficult to choose. Even though my topic is on privacy and “terms and agreements” im still not sure is i want to head down this road. Maybe privacy and the government, or plagiarism. I still have to dig deeper into my topic to see if its plausible to do. Wonder in the end will my research topic  the same when this is all said and done?













It easier to copy someone s work and pass it of as yours. I agree with  Maurice Isserman

“Plagiarism is a form of fraud. You plagiarize if you present other writers’ words or ideas as your own.”

but when is it considered plagiarism, is it when the professors use the textbooks, or when a musician writes a verse, did someone else at some point use it. Academically speaking plagiarism is a big no-no, it can be avoided but at the same time, there are excerpt from articles, books, newspapers that explain what we are trying yo say. Is it plagiarism if you don’t get caught.


When its time for a research paper, or small report , the first thing that comes to mind is wikipedia . Its a free online encyclopedia, i can search up almost anything i can think of. It includes the references where the information was gathered from but how much of that information is true, Nicholas Baker states “On December 7, 2007, somebody altered the long article on bedbugs so that it read like a horror movie:

Bedbugs are generally active only at dawn, with a peak attack period  about an hour before dawn, though given the opportunity, they may attempt to feed at your brain at other times.

A few weeks later, somebody replaced everything with:


even though the references are there the article is useless with altered information. The fact that this information can be altered again and again until someone can changed it to its original form.

The article web 2.0 how much of it is true, has anything changed since it was first created and if so, how small is the change, If i change a date will anyone notice.


Zines are self published booklets or magazines. It give the author the power and freedom to write about anything, to express his views to the general public. To me zines would be like a paper copy of the online blog. Its discouraging to know that i cant walk into a book store and purchase a zine but yet they carry books of authors with different views of the same subject.

Even though there are laws against monopoly, there seems that in certain industries  its still exist. As Thomas Eland states, that there is no room for start up companies in computer, automobile industries…etc..etc..


All it took was a simple story to pass on information from generation to the next. The discovery of paper allowed for information to be easily stored for someone to use more readily but then the creation of the world wide web opened up a portal to infinite amount of information. In chapter 8 William Badke teaches us effective research methods, how to use the right amount of information to supposrt your research, to determine which book relevant  to your topic, the pros and cons to using tablets and computers. he give a few tips on how to be better note takers, How to avoid plagiarism, and to give credit to the source author.