Author Archives: ohlynn wright


Technology what is it really? As we grow in something we tend to expanded and advance we turned th  wheel into a tire turned a clothes basket into a NBA game and now we have turned our basics likes,habits and even communication into a content that is computed and revamped in so many different ways some that we don’t even take use of. The author Graham Meikle in the first paragraph brings up key examples of multiple ways the  I-Tunes systems system have evolved and “upgraded” for the user. later getting into how I-Tunes has turned contents of all types into a digital media base. Film,Music,TV,Photos and Contacts. This is just a small level of the way again our favorite thing is monopolized on sole pieces of technology we will go deeper and give examples of Xbox and the way the media dashboard allows you to read books play games watch movies and now even call text and send pictures to you friends while sending along information of many more sources. at this stage we feel technology is an teens and have many adult years to prosper and grow and will do so at a rapid pace


1. Do we need the Resources at the abundance rate for ever device that we own?

2. What do we label as technology?

3.At the rate that technology is following will we be able to keep up and have an understanding?

4.Do we take advantage of all the uses that I-tunes offer?

5. Is technology Underapprecatied ?

Exposing The Unknown

The World Wide Web brings everything to the light due to the merging media and information that is located in many different shapes and form. In the book Media Convergence Networked Digital Media in Everyday Life. It mentions(dwyer) “on establishing a research agenda for digital media scholars’. I feel everything dealing with anything is on the web and for that single reason nothing can ever be totally private due to convergence of physical information, social networks,news reportings and daily events. I find it hard to believe that in the next 10 or so years that everything we do will be accessible to someone located anywhere near this thing we call the WORLD WIDE WEB and due to convergence one thing will  tie to the next

CONVERGENCE : the merging of distinct technologies, industries, or devices into a unified whole


In Chapter 1 William Badke informes and explores the aged concepts and ways information and research was transmitted . i’m sure  that copy writing was way harder to prove and way less accidently done through the academic stand point with journalism in mind. Also taking in unneeded information gathering the key things to help the research. to chose wisely with information since it doesn’t have verification 


Chapter 8 discusses multiple research methods that can be used. the one that i personal honed in on the most was photocopying for the simple fact that you will have a  physical copy to grasp and look at which is effective for research Also taking in unneeded information gathering the key things to help the research 

