Author Archives: Anne Leonard

Wrapping up the semester

Welcome to the final week of the semester!

On Wednesday, December 18 it is essential that everyone be on time, and at least one person from each group should arrive at least 10 minutes early in order to save their presentation to the instructor computer.

All groups must post a link to the project site for the online documentation project by 10 a.m. Wednesday, and each individual must submit a self and group evaluation to me via email by the end of the day Wednesday. See the project guidelines for specifics about the self and group evaluations.

On Wednesday, groups will present in this order:





Best of luck with your finals, projects, and papers. Looking forward to seeing your presentations and projects.

~Prof. Leonard

Wrapping up the online documentation project, and presentations next week!

Today in class we established the order of class presentations that take place next week:

Monday, December 16:


*there will be time in class for group work on Monday, 12/18*

Wednesday, December 18:





Don’t forget, your very last blogging assignment, originally due on Monday 12/9, is due by Friday, December 13 at 10 a.m.: please comment on a classmate’s blog post or on 2 different blog posts, totaling 100 words. Remember that the self and group evaluations are a required part of the online documentation project; each person is responsible for both a self and group evaluation, which must be emailed to me by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, December 18. See the guidelines for specific information about the self and group evaluations.

If you have questions about the online documentation project or the group presentation, please get in touch, and don’t wait until Sunday night!

Good luck, everyone.

~Prof. Leonard

Your last blogging assignment, and our last class meetings

Your very last blogging assignment is due by Friday, December 13 at 10 a.m.: please comment on a classmate’s blog post or on 2 different blog posts, totaling 100 words.

On Wednesday 12/11 we’ll establish the order in which presentations will take place during the final class meetings, December 16 and 18. If any groups wish to rehearse presentations in A543 in advance, please contact me with a few possible dates and times that work for all in your group and we’ll work something out.

Remember that the self and group evaluations are a required part of the online documentation project; each person is responsible for both a self and group evaluation, which must be emailed to me by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, December 18. See the guidelines for specific information about the self and group evaluations.

~Prof. Leonard

Goals for today’s class – 12/4/13

By the end of today’s class all groups should have accomplished a few things:

  • set up a project site on the OpenLab
  • added all group members to the project site and changed their roles to administrator
  • established a plan to divide up the work fairly; established a plan to meet outside of class if necessary
  • exchanged contact information with other group members
  • completed one progress report per group

Your very last blogging assignment is due Monday, December 9: comment on a classmate’s blog post or on 2 different blog posts, totaling 100 words. Remember that next Monday and Wednesday we’ll meet in A540, the large library classroom. By the end of next week we’ll establish the order in which presentations will take place, on December 16 and 18.

Looking forward to reading your research papers, due as an email attachment sent to me by 10 a.m. tomorrow – Thursday, 12/5!

~Prof. Leonard

This week: the research paper and the online documentation project

Today everyone self-organized into groups for the online documentation project. We reviewed the guidelines for the project and the group presentation. On Wednesday, we’ll meet in our regular classroom, A543, so that groups can work on their projects together. Next week we will meet in A540, the library’s large e-classroom, so that groups can use class time to work on their projects.

Remember that the final version of the research paper is due by 10 a.m. on Thursday, December 5, sent to me as an email attachment. As always, please get in touch with any questions you have about this assignment.

~Prof. Leonard

Summary of today, and assignments for Monday, December 2

Today we discussed process documentation and shared examples we found online and elsewhere. You may find it helpful to review the Robinson and Edge readings; they provide good examples of process documentation.

This Wednesday, November 27 is a Friday schedule, so we don’t meet. On Monday, December 2 we will review the guidelines for the online documentation project and form groups based on shared interests. Start thinking about the type of project you would like to create: a research tool, an information resource, or a research game. Think about your own information needs and how they are fulfilled (or not) with the strategies and tools we have discussed and used in this class. Attendance next Monday is very important!
Between December 4 – December 11 we will meet in A540, the large e-classroom in the library so that groups can work together.

Remember that the final version of your research paper is due Thursday, December 5 by 10 a.m. If you have questions, don’t wait until Wednesday night!
Enjoy the holiday and the long weekend!
~Prof. Leonard


Summary of today, and reading/blogging for Monday, November 25

Today we wrapped up our discussion of documentation styles and began our discussion of process documentation. For Monday, please write one blog post on process documentation in response to the following:

Locate one example of process documentation in any format, read it, and write one 100-word blog post in which you describe, summarize and critique it. Does it document thoroughly and completely the process that it claims to document? If you choose a video, please embed the video into your blog post so that we can all view it easily.

You may find it helpful to review the Edge and Robinson articles to guide your selection of a good quality example of process documentation.

The draft of the research paper is due by 10 a.m. on Thursday, November 21, emailed to me as an attachment, please. As always, please get in touch with any questions you have about the assignment.

~Prof. L

Summary of today 11/18 and reading/homework for Wednesday 11/20

Today we wrapped up our discussion of Hauptman and the many reasons we document and cite. We discussed the various standards and styles of citation, and you all worked in small groups to invent your own citation style for an article, website, eBook, online video, or online image, chosen from the slides for today. On Wednesday we’ll wrap up that discussion, so groups should come prepared to discuss the piece they chose and to demonstrate the citation style they invented to document it.

On Wednesday we’ll begin our discussion of process documentation, which will be a large part of the online documentation project due at the end of the semester. Please read the following 2 articles, available via the library’s electronic databases:

Edge, Write it down! The importance of documentation

Robinson, Documentation Dilemmas

Your research paper draft is due by 10 a.m. on Thursday, November 21, sent to me as an email attachment.

~Prof. Leonard