Digital Media Sept. 11

In the introduction of Meikle & Young, Media Convergence: Networked Digital Media in Everyday Life, the authors observe that there are many ways through which the audience interacts with digital media whether it be technological, social, industrial or textual. Digital media is used as a network for connecting people across industries through texts, images, etc. Discussing media convergence in everyday life can quickly evolve into a discussion of how media is becoming life.

In the Craig Mod article Post-artifact Books and Publishing, Mod discusses how digital has affect the way we produce, distribute and consume content. An interesting point Mod made is that in reality, a book ultimately consists of relationships, whether it be between reader and writer or reader and other readers, etc. In this line of thinking, digital’s affect on content moves beyond the content itself, reaching into the lives of the individuals who interact with it, changing the shared experience.

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