Tag Archives: social media

homework #6

Facebook went through a lot of changes since it had first started. Facebook was first intended just for college kids and just like every social media site little kids tend to take it over thus changing the main idea for a site. The privacy setting have also changed, but as I use Facebook I’ve never touch them because i really don’t post things I don’t want to be posted. The problem people have with their privacy is that they don’t keep it private and just post it for the entire world to see, but once someone they don’t want to see it they complain that there is no privacy.


Social Networking… Sabrina Martinez

While reading the research article, Facebook’s Privacy Trainwreck by Danah Boyd I was surprised to see how much of problem users had with the News Feed feature on Facebook. Although there are roughly 800 million active Facebook users, about 700,000 users joined a group to protest against the newly added feature which according to Facebook’s founder Mark Zuckerberg was a feature to help keep tabs on their friends. Being that the information was already public information, I do not understand why the users had a problem with it. In no way it is invasion of privacy because it is only showing the information that the user shares. Yes, viewing the information was more obscure to users when Facebook was originally made however, like all networks companies pay to upgrade the sites and add new features. Many Facebook users have misused social networking sites to tell the world about their problems or for bullying purposes. Yes, you get those people who really read into everything on person does which creates problems.  I see it like this, if you are going to be ashamed if a certain someone is going to read your status or view a picture that they shouldn’t you shouldn’t post it.  If you don’t want people in your business, it shouldn’t be put on a SOCIAL NETWORKIG SITE! Now with the most recent updates I think that it’s a good idea that Facebook left if up to the users to choose whether they want certain information to be seen by their friends. One of the biggest problems I think is that people add other people just because you see you have friends in common etc. I have always said it the social networking is making people more anti-social. It makes me wonder what will  peoples social life look like in the next 20 years… will people be sitting at the same table texting each other while they are out….

My thoughts on Facebook- Miguel Olivares

After reading the article on Facebook, I came away feeling the same way I did before reading it. I understand that some  people feel like Facebook can sometimes be used as a tool to invade their privacy but everything on the web has its pros and cons. Just like you can pay your bills online because it is more convinient but at the same time can become a target for pepole who are trying to steal your personal information. Same thing with dating. Might be easier to date online but that also has its negatives. When signing up for Facebook, we need to understand that we are signing part of our privacy over

Homework #5- Joey

The common crafts video on social media was a great way to explain the idea of social media through example. This video was easy to see and very short, it showed how social media has its big corporation and small markets.  It also explained how every market had there on share of distribution which is the same in social media, every blog or website gets there own share of views and people see their opinions.  Also showed how every person has a say in that they could express what they thought about while they read the blog or newspaper website. The article  “Linked Data gives people power” showed how in the internet people could help others in many ways, it could be just by comments or rating.  It told us how citizens helped make a map of dangerous bike routes just by putting in reports of where accidents have occur to help future cyclist.

Homework #5- Wikipedia and Social Media

I have known about wikipedia for many years and I always used it for outside of school research. For some reson for school work, in my trials wikipedia was unreliable. After looking at Baker’s article, i agree with him that freedom of speech has its pro’s and cons when it comes to the internet. Like Baker i feel that people have right to freedom of speech and we all should be mature enough to post only facts on websites where people go to learn. Wikipedia in previous years have been very easy to just go on as a guest and edit a whole document on the page and there was no real review process on the page, however wikipedia is making a big turn because now they have a lock on certain pages/articles to avoid vandalism of commonly looked up information. With freedom of speech comes great responsibility and so we all should watch how we use this freedom.

Wikipedia and Social Media

I found the Common Craft video on social media to be a solid means of introducing and describing how social media works, why its necessary, and how it can be used to benefit all. At the same time, i appreciate Nicholson Baker’s article, which gives us insight as to the negatives of “freedom” and how something that’s meant to be useful and shared can be perverted into a platform for anarchy. Its a sad reflection of humanity in my opinion, and can be seen all across the world in other things. While freedom of speech is something i cherish and believe every human should have, there still is a point at which there needs to be a difference between using speech as a tool vs speech as a weapon. I’ve experienced with a business i’m close with, where people who were caught stealing went on yelp and flooded the business with negative reviews. How fair would that have been in scoopville, if people who just didnt like jarett said that his ice cream was nasty, when they’ve never had it? Wikipedia has evolved into a community of editors within the normal internet community to manage the information and keep some integrity, however, at the same time some of those people have gotten so caught up in themselves and their ability to determine what is “relevant”, that they’re suppressing the free flowing of information. I wonder if there will ever be a solution to the abuse that comes with both freedom, and power.