Tag Archives: New Techology

Hw 2

After reading John Pavlik “New Technology and the Media: An Uneasy Alliance” i was informed about the history of the advancements of technology.  How it helped the media change and enhanced it.  It talks about the invention of the electromagnetic telegraph developed from the daguerrotype, which was an early form of photography.  Having a newspaper with images made it easier to understand certain events it made it easier to read because you had an image to help you understand.  With the invention of the WWW it has changed the media again, now the news can be read almost anywhere from your phone or tablet to the giant screens of time square.  All news are being read before its even published on newspaper and with technology every day people could comment and share their point of views.  With the inventions of wikis like Wikipedia not only could people share their thoughts but could also correct the information.  With technology advancing its important for the media to stay on top of it and use it to their advantages.

Homework_2 Improved Technology

The media of public communications, such as news media which we know of, have often “interwined” as the author Pavlik described, with new technology startegies throughout time. While reading Media in the Digital Age I have learned about the early use of daguerreotype, which gave the newspaper media the quality of storytelling in including photo images. Next the use of technology to reach out the audience with daily news, through the radio and television. Pavlik stated that journalists and other media leaders should utilize technology more in order to keep news in particular existing. Agreeing to his writing keeping up with new and continuously technology, we can all keep informed by daily updates that we are surrounded by. There are a whole new technology resources such as blogging, internet, mobile devices, gps, tablets and so on. As the two videos assigned to watch, it supported the idea that technology has made our time easier for many things including the communication between others in search of information. Proving that technology could be used for positive outcomes.

Homework #2: Digital Possibilities for Literature

Digital Possibilities for literature discussed the change of literature since the process of posting and publishing online cost little to nothing, opposed to paying for hard copies. The author was really concerned about online reader/writers use of the web and how it disrupts economic principles. As a frequent user of social networks such as; Facebook and tumblr (an online blog spot), I always overlooked the fact that it was free. I never really thought about the economic aspect of freely writing literature online, I guess I just always took advantage of it. Why complain, it’s free?
     As for the question posed by the author in the conclusion of chapter one about how can the Web support new writing and building lasting communities, I believe I have a possible answer to it. The Web 100% supports new writing all the time. The web allows you to broadcast/promote your own literature without a problem. You may not be receiving any money for it in the beginning but once you receive recognition from the millions of Internet users, money will eventually come. For example, even though Justin Bieber isn’t a literary author, he used a free online source (YouTube), to promote his talents and now he’s one of the biggest celebrities in the world. This could’ve happened to anyone; an entertainer, author, or a school teacher.
       The question, “How does literature survive in the era of free content?” asked in the conclusion of chapter one is also something I really want to hear other peoples opinions on.
-Destiny Modeste

Homework 2

I can agree that new technology at times has challenged media and has hanged age old practices and maybe threated traditional media and practices.  it has raised many concerns but others have adopted technology and used it for there advantages. The building of the electromagnetic telescope was an amazing advancement. I Feel the web has advanced alot too which is interesting, what their saying is the web went from just being used in ww2 and not known. To now  having facebook and I.M Messaging.  they also stated it helps  journalists and other media professions do their job. it would help news reporters keep getting information while on the job. Before using mapquest on your phone you actually had to look at a map. Gps now a days and Satalites. media in My opionion is only good if its used for the right reasons. Continue reading