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Author Right

In this video Copyright:” Forever Less One Day”, the author discusses the origin of the implementation of Copyright. In fact, the author says that the idea of copyright was first carried out by in United Kingdom; the purpose was to enable authors to have control over their works, and to avoid fraud. Concerning myself, I just knew from this video about Copyright that Copyright has expiration date, before I thought that the right of the author was unlimited. My opinion is that Copyright is a great thing insofar as it allows authors to survive from the work they have done; otherwise with the evolution of the technology, people would use others guys work as their own.













































































Copyright was defined as a “contract between authors and society” in the video Copyright: Forever less one day. This law of copyright was constructed in 1710 , here society can not copy from any authors work or remake it for they have control over their work for a limited time (25 years). I understood better for what copyright law meant when the example of wanting to remake the harry potter book, this book was published in 1998 having copyright protection which can not be used yet for any remaking. This was a good idea because it gives the right of authors to control over what they have done, & giving them also the privilege to keep their recent work out there for a limited a time before any other author wishes to remake it.

H.W number 7 Reno Abraham

Plagiarism have been a problem for writers and learner and the thing is that plagiarism is just very confusing and difficult to describe. When I read an article that relate to plagiarism I noticed that they tell what plagiarism is but they don’t tell you what is not plagiarism or give you an example(got the idea from the article Plagiarism: a Lie of the Mind paragraph four). I do believe that plagiarism is wrong and if the person did it intentionally then that person should be punish. Also I don’t entirely agree with the statement from the article where the author stated that plagiarism is bad and it prevent you from learning I mean paraphrase is using your words to describe what you have learn but others believe that paraphrase is also part plagiarism. The only thing that I do understand about this article that if you use your own words then someone else words then you is unlike to get caught for plagiarism.

Homework #7

Plagiarism is such a huge deal and the access to it can be easy to get to. Some high school students and even college students would plagiarize peoples work just so they don’t have to do the given assignment. Now a days teachers can find out if something has be plagiarized with machines or just looking up some of the sentences on Google. Plagiarism has also been caught in book writers where they say they had written a book and got it from personal experiences but in reality they actually took that story line and idea from another book or person.

Homework #8 – Charles Baculima-Castillo

In the video “Laws that Choke Creativity” Lessig goes over history in the way that someone from the past viewed how technology would shape and change the future. For example, he discusses how John Philip Sousa used to enjoy music by hearing people actually sing and not depend on vocal machines, like auto-tune, to make music. Another example was William Blackstone’s perception of land in which he believed that no one has the right to trespass someone’s land, way above or below the ground, without the land owner’s consent. With technology growing throughout the years, the invention of planes and helicopters took place. This was problematic for several landowners since planes and helicopters would cross many pieces of land, in the sky, without their consent. As the time was evolving so has the law. The land laws were changed so that planes or any other aircraft that flew over other people’s land were not considered trespasses. This had to change because if the government would have kept the old land law. then flight trips would become impossible since they would get sued by many land owners for “trespassing”.



Writings have arguably been the single most important means of sharing information since the dawn of humanity. As time has progressed and technology has changed the way we create, share, and store writings, we see how writing and creation of history can and has been abused. Generally, abuse comes in one of two forms, the blatant change in facts, what really happened, and plagiarism. While similar in being examples of falsified information, I see plagiarism as the worse offender because of the ability to affect the “now”. Writers take up insane amounts of time and energy to create or research or both; to conduct interviews and check facts. They do this with the intent of birthing a child piece of work and to have the identity of that work stolen, for use of personal gain, I think, is horrible.

hw-6 JOey

Modern social media sites are constantly changing ever since I could remember.  When MySpace was the place to be I remember people complaining about privacy, they didn’t want there comments to show or let people see their pictures.  People figured a way to do through the means of either MySpace giving them the option or just customizing their profiles.  Facebook was started for college students but it expanded and drew in a big crowd.  At first no one seem to have a problem but after a while people want new things and find things to complain about.  When using a social media site there is not much privacy and if you don’t want people to see certain things then certain things shouldn’t be posted.  Facebook is constantly changing and making it able to privatise your profile as you please giving you the option to choose who sees what.  People always seem to find something to complain to change things yet when change happens it becomes an outbreak.

hw-7 Joey

In the world of today with modern technology plagiarism has become easy to do and also easy to catch.  Since I could remember when ever I had a papers due all my teachers/professors would emphasize on plagiarism.  I think its laziness that makes students plagiarize, its not difficult to quote somebody and put it in your own words.  I feel by quoting you show where the idea came from and giving it credit, I also think that quoting is a great way to expand your paper.  When I did my 10 page research paper I used quotes to help me reach 10 pages without them its safe to say I wouldn’t have finished.  Using quotes is never a bad idea especially if you could plagiarize from it, it just shows how much it talks about your topic but instead of trying to steal it use it and your paper would just be that much longer.  Always think positive and do the right thing.

homework #6

Facebook went through a lot of changes since it had first started. Facebook was first intended just for college kids and just like every social media site little kids tend to take it over thus changing the main idea for a site. The privacy setting have also changed, but as I use Facebook I’ve never touch them because i really don’t post things I don’t want to be posted. The problem people have with their privacy is that they don’t keep it private and just post it for the entire world to see, but once someone they don’t want to see it they complain that there is no privacy.


Hw 7_ plagiarism_ Miguel Olivares

My thoughts on plagiarism are probably the same as everyone else. There’s no excuse for stealing someone’s ideas or words. At the beginning of every semester, we listen to professors talk about the syllabus and put extra emphasis behind the plagiarism rules but nothing ever seems to come of it. Ever since junior high school, i’ve heard students talk about copying someone’s paper or copying and pasting from the Internet but  I’ve never known a fellow student who’s gotten caught plagiarising and who has faced penalties. Part of me thinks that professors are tentative about accusing a student because there’s a fine line between blatantly copying someones work and being influenced by someone’s work.