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Ever since my first year in college Professors always talk about plagiarism. They always mention how someone could get kicked out of school plagiarism. I have yet met a person who has been kicked out of school because of plagiarism. Some time I wonder many professors actually care? I only know of a few professors which take advantage of online plagiarism detectors such as,  How dependable can these websites be? When this site considers a phrase being plagiarized?  So many different sources use the same phrases or similar phrases to describe a topic.  At times there is no other way of describing things but with the same words.

Emira Marra, HW #7

Plagiarism is an unlawful act of stealing another’s thoughts, words, phrases sentences or opinions. In general, it is basically stealing another person’s understand and creativity. However, before reading Plagiarism: a lie of the mind by Maurice Isserman, I too wondered about the fine line between what is actual plagiarism and what is not. Intentionally and noticeably stealing another’s words or thoughts seems substanially wrong, however, many of  the best discoveries or books have been built upon a foundation of other peoples findings or understanding and, have potentionally grown and advanced because of that. The whole idea of plagiarism can be narrowed down from the very begining of ones life, such as when we learn to speak. We are learning based upon other peoples phrases that have left either an impact or a learning experience. From this we grow and gradually move to our own originality.


In this article “Plagiarism: a Lie of the Mind”, Maurice Isserman discusses the causes of plagiarism. First, he compares plagiarism to a fraud because plagiarism is the use of another person work as your own. Indeed, the author says that we can avoid plagiarism by seriously learning from other because he states that if you learn something from your mentor and you can’t explain what you learned in your own words; you do not retain anything.

In the second passage”The Plagiarist’s Tale”, Lizzie Widdicome gives some example of stealing of some books by others authors. Personally, I think that plagiarism is bad since nobody want to spend several hours of work and not at least getting credit for what he did. Therefore stealing else body work has to be avoided.

Blog Post 7 – Ahmad Woods

Every semester at the start of  a class where we’ll  be doing a decent amount of writing the professor briefs us on the syllabus then gets to the part on plagiarism  I promptly roll my eyes and stop paying attention there. That’s not to say I’m gonna plagiarize anyway, I haven’t as far as I know, I just don’t really take the warning seriously. Why? What’s really constitutes as plagiarism? I have had different professors tell me different things to point where the term plagiarism essentially means don’t get caught.

Plagiarism: a Lie of the Mind article puts things in perspective for me and clarified that the definition of plagiarism is not a chameleon; it doesn’t change to suit the professors interpretation of laziness. If you own your words then there should be no issue with plagiarism. Some one gave me a rather brilliant quote, “the key to creativity is hiding your influences” which relates some what to that.

It just feels good to know that I wont get blown up for using my favorite catch phrase or something in a paper.

Plagiarism – HW#7 Destiny Modeste

I wasn’t able to read “Plagiarism: A Lie of the Mind” but I was able to read “The Plagiarist’s Tales” by Lizzi Widdicombe.  This article was very interesting, all the various aspects of the situation of the author. It was like reading a soap opera somewhat as he compared his addiction to plagiarism to someone’s addictions to drugs. One thing that stood out to me was how Widdicombe explained the importance of originality in literature.  “As writers from T. S. Eliot to Harold Bloom have pointed out, ideas are doomed to be rehashed,” stated Widdicombe in the 9th paragraph of the article. I have always thought about this when the topic of plagiarism came up in classes or regular conversation. People are bound to think the same way, recreating the same ideas; it’s inevitable as new generations walk this earth. I understand what Rowan did was completely unacceptable though and I’m happy that he is writing his own book in his own words.

– Destiny Modeste

Homework #7 – Charles Baculima-Castillo

The first thing that came to mind when reading this article was that any one can be found guilty of plagiarism if they commit it, for example in here it’s Eugene Tobin, the ex president of Hamilton College. I’ve always known about the seriousness of plagiarism throughout my life as it was always discussed in my previous classes whenever I’ve had to do a research project. I completely agree with Isserman that plagiarism is wrong and unjustified because the person is taking someone else’s words and ideas as if it were their own and not giving the original source credit. In my opinion, I see plagiarism as a form of theft in all honesty.

Social Networking… Sabrina Martinez

While reading the research article, Facebook’s Privacy Trainwreck by Danah Boyd I was surprised to see how much of problem users had with the News Feed feature on Facebook. Although there are roughly 800 million active Facebook users, about 700,000 users joined a group to protest against the newly added feature which according to Facebook’s founder Mark Zuckerberg was a feature to help keep tabs on their friends. Being that the information was already public information, I do not understand why the users had a problem with it. In no way it is invasion of privacy because it is only showing the information that the user shares. Yes, viewing the information was more obscure to users when Facebook was originally made however, like all networks companies pay to upgrade the sites and add new features. Many Facebook users have misused social networking sites to tell the world about their problems or for bullying purposes. Yes, you get those people who really read into everything on person does which creates problems.  I see it like this, if you are going to be ashamed if a certain someone is going to read your status or view a picture that they shouldn’t you shouldn’t post it.  If you don’t want people in your business, it shouldn’t be put on a SOCIAL NETWORKIG SITE! Now with the most recent updates I think that it’s a good idea that Facebook left if up to the users to choose whether they want certain information to be seen by their friends. One of the biggest problems I think is that people add other people just because you see you have friends in common etc. I have always said it the social networking is making people more anti-social. It makes me wonder what will  peoples social life look like in the next 20 years… will people be sitting at the same table texting each other while they are out….

H.w post # 6

From reading both articles assigned to read, I was forced to look at things in a new light. “Facebook Privacy Train wreck” shed a light on how after face books update on september 5th 2006 “invaded privacy”. However when this was brought to Zuckerberg’s attention he defended himself by claiming that everyones post are public regardless and that the news feed just allowed the users to keep tabs on they friend without having to sign on and type in their name all the time. Although Zuckerberg has a legit argument, people still feel like Facebook shows too much of their data and so as a result Zuckerberg had to make groups to allow people to post on a feed where only a few friends that were selected by the user can see.


People shouldn’t join Facebook if they have issues with their information being shared.  I for one have a very big family. The news feeds on Facebook allows me to keep up with my family. I could see who birthday is coming. Who just graduated? If it wasn’t for the news feed I would have to search of every single page. I have a total of thirteen aunts and uncles. I can’t even count how many cousins I have.  In way it does bother me that my information is shared. I try my best not to post things which can affect me or someone else.

Blog Post 6 – Ahmad Woods

Internet privacy has been a growing concern in the digital age. Social networking sites like Facebook where users share personal data make it really easy for identity thefts to go in and do their things. Don’t believe me? Well then check this video out

You’ll be surprised at the amount of information people leave out to the public. Reading the online privacy article however it seems the biggest threat to our privacy is the technology tracking advertiser use. These things are particularly dirty because you have no way of turning them off and it’s mostly involuntary. The article explains that most people aren’t even aware of the extent of data being gathered on them. To make matters more complicated these advertisers aren’t even held accountable and they can hold on to your info for an undisclosed amount of time.

These advertisers aren’t even regulated and we should all be aware of how dangerous little to no regulation can be *cough*2008 market crash cough* People seriously need to be made aware of this and be educated on their options. Like I didn’t even know half of this stuff was going on until I read the article. Very informative albeit a very long read.