Based on the readings, I can conclude that technology does play an important role in book publishing. Today, many argue that technology is changing the quality of how we use published books for information and, how the value of books can rise due to its possible scarcity. However, advances in technologies has given worldwide aspiring journalist, authors and writers of many forms, an opportunity to expose themselves. It is considered efficient and is much easier to keep followers updated. Pavlik however, mentions that “…technologies have raised serious ethical concerns.” This is true to some extent because technology is so advanced that people can now write/edit and publish their own books. Because of this we can gather that real hardworking journalists or writers will eventually not recieve the credit they deserve because anyone can write and publish their thoughts. It seems that Online book publishing or access to books through technology, can be an advantage to both the author and reader. It is an advantage to the author because it helps their work maintain organization and is a great form of publicity, especially through blogs. On the other end it is an advatage to the reader, because it makes it easier to recieve access to information.
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