learning log #3


The first picture is rembrandt, The second picture is loop, The third picture is short. That day we learned different ways to take a picture with studio light. I don’t think I did a good job on it because I was able to take pictures as much since everyone wanted me to model for my group.

Learning Log #3

For this week we learning about portrait lighting. For this week’s learning log, we were using our group mate as our model of the day. The first photograph I took is Rembrandt lighting and the second photo is split lighting. The last image is a loop. For this week I had a bit of trouble with which lighting is what. I had to ask my groupmate to help me on which lighting I was doing.

Learning Log #3







In this photography session we learned about different types of portrait lightings. It was really amazing because I got some knowledge about different lighting techniques. My favorite was split because one half of the subjects face had light, and the other half was in shadow. Which stands out.

Learning Log #3 – Potrait Lighting 1

Rambrant,  SplitLoop, SplitRambrandt, Split, Short

Today was an interesting shooting day. I got a chance to experiment with portrait photography through split lighting, loop, and Rembrandt styles. The color gel brought out an interesting effect on some of my photos. I really enjoyed todays class. I look forward to utilizing some of these techniques in my own photography.



Learning Log#3
























This lesson was really fun and I learned something new especially about broad and short. For board the side of the face facing you is lit brighter. While for short the side of the face facing away from you is lit. I find rembrandt and short  to be very dramatic lighting. It gives off a nice feel to it.

Learning log #3






For this session we played with photography and different lighting styles, as there was a couple of us shooting we tried many different angles and many different light placements. for these shots I tried to create an intense look. with information on these different types of lighting I learned how to create more dynamic shots. I think out of all the shots I took I personally liked broad and split. split allowed us to Create a strong sense of mystery. shooting with broad lighting and with color gels allowed for some really interesting shots, for the shot above I like how the yellow light creates a strong but thin outline on his face.


This is an example of loop shadows

This is an example of Rembrandt

This is an example of split

This is an example of short

This is an example of broad

In todays class we worked on learning the different types fo portrait lightings. I used on person to show off the difference between the loop and Rembrandt lighting, another for slip, and one last subject for broad and short split.

Amaris Marte Learning Log #3






By shooting these 5 shots I wanted to focus on the lighting as I used mostly a close up blue light. To show a dramatic look on each of the shots by adjusting the light to where I want it to go; The most I did enjoy doing was the split as it created the more light source on the left side of his face.