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Learning Log #9 Light Painting

Here is my 5 best light painting images. This was by far the most fun I’ve had in this class. We had to work as a team working with the shutter speed, speed light, and the actual light painting. The more practice we had the better the pictures turned out. While shooting Kiara I focused on keeping her in the shot which is really hard to do in the dark. We also had to investigated with the stop light creating double images of the each other, like the last one of Kiara. It was really cool having the pixel stick which created some really nice, and cool light painting for the background. Great class!!!

LL#9- Light Painting

My photos actually didn’t come out as well as I expected them to. There were a few ideas that I wanted to do, but didn’t know how. The main struggle I feel was the timing for the shots. However I did like these and think they were my best. Using the pixel stick was my favorite.

Learning Log #9 — Light Painting

Light painting in this lesson had a lot of helpful and visibly noticeable effects added into the shots. This lighting helped add a sort of playful look to the pictures, mostly due to the colors and the lights movements. The most curious part of this to me, was how the movement was being captured even though it wasn’t happening when the flash would go off. The light made every picture lively, and that illumination from the glow had pierced through the dark and onto the subject. That is what was making everything in the shot work really well.

Light Painting shot 1

Light Painting shot 2

Light Painting shot 3


Learning Log #9

In today’s class we learned how to play with painting lights in the dark. I enjoyed this lesson so much because you can do so much in the dark, depending if you have the right exposures and settings on the camera. Challenges I faced was timing mostly, it was a bit hard for me to time the photo well enough for it to come out great. Another challenge I faced as well was lighting, that was another huge part because most of the photos I took they were either over-exposed or way too dark. What I did to try to improve my photos were editing and making sure my settings were good enough to fit the color paints in the background. This lesson was a very interesting and abstract lesson and i would love to do it again.


Learning Log #9: Light Painting

These are my best shots from today’s lesson. there were some struggles that occurred during today’s lesson. There some difficulties with the brightness of the lights, the flash wouldn’t go off at times, also a few times, there were some troubles when it came to communication. however, we were able to fix these struggles and get the photographs we needed.  

Learning Log #9 Light Painting

This was a fun activity with using lights and long exposures. We try to have the model draw his own thing and see if it has the same result. It came out a little blur around the face, but it works a little bit. The last one we just have to use flash and let the LED light run from the background. The only struggle that I have is knowing when the exposure timer stop and not making my model move so much to have alot of movement.