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Learning Log #10 – Product Photography

This was a good exercise to practice taking product photography for a magazine or an online shop. When I took my products from a dark setting, I was struggling with it because I never like using a dark background for product shots. It’s because it cast a strong shadow. I probably should have played with the lighting or use the reflection to soften the shadows.  The white background is my favorite because it looks professional for an online shop product.

Learning Log #10

Taking pictures of something I premeditatedly picked was a way better feeling to me. The two stations that these shots were taken at got some pretty good results. The first picture on the left looks like there is a bit of a blue tint going on and it works. Coke should be cold, so the background having that dark blue look gives off a cold feeling. If I had to advertise Coke, that would be my best shot. I only regret that the logo isn’t facing the lens properly there.

Learning Log #10: Advertising


This class was a lot more pleasant and easy to follow. My product that I used for my photos was a container of Extra Brand chewing gum, and a bottle of Poland Spring water. I mostly focused on lighting and the positioning of my products so that there weren’t any beams reflecting off of my products. The shots I took came out exactly how I had planned for them to come out.

Learning Log #9 Product Photography

For today class, we brought in items to takes photographs of. The topic was product photography. We used different lighting. The topic for me was kinda hard because the product I was using. The package was crumbled and the cupcake was a mess but I still managed to get some good shots especially with the lighting. My favorite shot was the dark theme ( the last shot ). The lights was pointing diagonally and thats how I got that shadow thats casting.

Learning Log #10 –

In today’s assignment we used our own product to create unique product shots. It was an interesting and challenging project because it was with an empty background. If i were to put this into a poster or add it into my portfolio I would have to be more creative and use more photoshop techniques. Overall it was a fun assignment.

Learning Log #10 Product Photography

In today’s lesson, we learned how to take pictures of products in different forms of light sources. I enjoyed this lesson because it showed me how to use the different light sources and make my product pop or even tell whether my photos are over exposed or under exposed. I also understood that different light sources means different use of the ISO and the F stops. What I mainly enjoyed was the fact that I can I was able to make my product look like an actual advertisement that I can hand in to a company or whatever. Everything has to have it downside, my downside was primarily matching the light sources with the background colors and the lighting. What I managed to do was change the lighting on the camera such as the aperture, F stop, and the ISO. Overall, I enjoyed this lesson for the day and I will continue working on figuring out the light sources.

Learning Log #10 Advertising

Todays class was pretty chill and was very free to develop our ideas. My product was Marshall Headphones. I focused today on lighting and detail because the material of the headphones is leather so I focused on trying to capture the leather along side of focusing on the marshall name. For the last photo I attached the chord to my phone to give it more of a story to the photo.