Monthly Archives: November 2019

Learning Log #9 Light Painting

This was a fun activity with using lights and long exposures. We try to have the model draw his own thing and see if it has the same result. It came out a little blur around the face, but it works a little bit. The last one we just have to use flash and let the LED light run from the background. The only struggle that I have is knowing when the exposure timer stop and not making my model move so much to have alot of movement.

Learning Log #9 Lighting Painting


Today’s lesson was very fun and amazing . I enjoy doing this very much and would consider doing this again. The only problem is just have to shine the light at your model so the camera can be focused. But overall today was fun-full and enjoyable. The result of the pictures is to capture something so simple but also looking amazing. We would know what we are doing until the camera takes the picture and the results looks interesting.

Learning Log#9-Light Painting

I liked today’s class because I did light painting last semester and really liked it so this second time around I was able to be more creative than worrying about the settings. For todays shoot I tried to keep the same theme which is the led Purge mask, so I asked my teammate Gelek to stay with the mask on for the first 3 shots. For my 4th picture my subject is maryanne I told her to stay still, the main focus is the background affect. out of these 4 I like my second shot with Gelek because its like giving that vibe of multiple personalities. so I was able to take these shots today due to my teammates, and my little knowledge of light painting.

Learning Log #9- Light Painting

Todays assignment was really fun and i really enjoyed it because of the different and creative ways we can use light to create an interesting image. Some struggles we faced while doing these photos were that we couldn’t get the lighting correct in some instances but we later fixed that with brightening the speed light to make the photo brighter and better. Overall painting with light has to be one of my favorite things because it makes images super interesting and fun to look at.

Learning Log #8








3 point with background lighting





Edge lighting







3 point with hair light







Learning Log number 8 was about working with 3 point light and I had to learn about where to position the lights, adjusting camera settings in order to work with the lights. At first it was difficult but then it got easier and in the ned i actually enjoyed it.

Learning log #8


3 point with background lighting

Edge lighting

3 point with hair light

This weeks shoot was  portrait lighting 2. we focused on Butterfly/Clamshell, 3 point with background lighting, Edge lighting, 3 point with hair light. I enjoyed learning about these different forms of lighting and then trying them out for myself.


Learning Log #8- Portrait lighting 2

Edge lighting

3 point hair light

3 point with background light

Butterfly / Clamshell

these are the type of light

today we were introduce to four type of flashing light technique. all very useful, in the first setup of light is the edge lighting. she was just walking around and happened to walk in the light, snap. in the 3 point hair lighting it was not too hard and easier then i expected but i just  kept it simple. 3 point with background lighting i use the lines of thirds and on the last butterfly / clamshell  it was mush easier to just place the reflector underneath to add the lighting which gives it a pop.