
When comparing industrial to food and beverage the word would be industry. The food and beverage industry has been expanding its role of opportunities for human life and health. The food and beverage industry is dedicated to processing raw material foods into forms that may be more easily distributed and sold to consumers.There  are more than just a food and beverage industry there is Meat-processing industry, Diary industry, sugar industry, fruit and vegetable industry, baking industry, wine industry and many more. When working in a food a beverage business in 2018 its hard to keep up in the industry. i say this because you will have to keep up with the technology, changing customer needs, and acquisition stargtegies. The food an beverage industry is as old as humans themselves, however there weren’t any developments since the 19th century when Nicholas Appert invented canning and Louis Pasteur developed pasteurisation. Today, food and beverage processing and manufacturing is one of the largest employment industries in the United States, providing jobs for more than 1.5 million workers annually.The food, beverage and agriculture industry has experienced exceptional growth in recent years, and continues to expand rapidly. the pictures below show the amounts of food and beverages are being put together work wide. The food and beverage industry has become a major role today. Everyone eats and drinks in their daily life not only you do, think of all the other millions of people that do the same. what do you think about food and beverage industry, I will soon be making my own food and average menus.

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Image result for food and beverage industry

Image result for food and beverage industry



Arrona Ettienne

Professor Krondal

Vocab: Diet


Everyone knows the word diet. Many can relate it to the type of foods they eat on a regular basis or a fitness regimen that they are following to lose weight. But I focused on how it relates to food service (cuisine based). My classmate Laurel Polanco gave all the different meanings of diet but there is one that sticks out the most. The definition she used was “Food or drink regularly provided or consumed.” In many cuisine restaurants the food is usually what’s in the diet of the people from that area. Often many food service operations try to adapt to individuals dietary needs and preferences, but when it comes to cuisine restaurants they just stick with the diet from that country.

In the picture above is from a Korean restaurant in the city (Koreatown) and it did not have anything related to a typical American diet. We ordered a beef set and it came with all the side dishes in the small bowls. When I watch Korean dramas what we ordered is breakfast.  What made us fuller was the fact that we order tteoboki (spicy rice cakes) and we just wanted to unbuckle our pants and fall asleep. A group of young Koreans came in and ordered three different sets (beef, seafood, chicken) and finished each one and still ordered desserts. It definitely showed me that every countries diet is different and sometimes it is hard to adapt to one other than your own. So many food service operations work very hard to make sure that the cuisines they make can somewhat be replicated or similar to what fits a typical American diet.

Source/ Sourcing

Katy Phan

Resubmit Assignment

The term “source” has various meaning in many industries. For example, Arona defines “source” is the tool that helps her to find the appropriate products and reasonable price for her job. However, in the culinary industry, “source” is a point of origin. According to the article “Provenance” by author Peter Jackson, the term “source” also called provenance, which displays to the origin and culture of products in the food industry. In other words, “source” provides to consumers a basic knowledge about what is that food/ ingredient/ product, what type this restaurant is, and where does it come from.

In the picture below, it’s a bottle of 1-liter olive oil which is being used by Ceci Italian restaurant in Mid Town New York. This product is an extra virgin which has low acidity and least bitter taste. The oil is the product of Italy. Because of the origin was labeled clearly on the bottle, it can tell consumers what this product is and where does it come from.

The term “source” is essential in the culinary industry. It provides an idea to consumers knowing about what they are going to eat, and what does that food is. Besides, restaurants and cuisines can also show their style of cooking through “source.”

Vocabulary post: Global/Local

Sarah Hemmerle
Professor Krondl
Word: Global/Local

When I think of the word global and relating it to our food and beverage class I think of products and produce that come from somewhere other than the United States. Goods that are imported and are grown outside and brought to the U.S. to be distributed and sold around the country. When I think of the word local I think of foods and goods that are produced/grown nearby. Where I am able to purchase these local goods all in an area that is close and I’m familiar with. Usually, local foods in NYC are found at farmers markets like the one our class went to. To represent the word local I chose a picture of fruits and vegetables at a farmers market. These foods are grown in an area close by. The thing about buying foods globally when it is out of season in the United States is they are imported from other countries to be distributed.

I chose the picture of an olive oil bottle that’s been shipped over from Spain and a picture of tropical fruits. When purchasing from another country the food will taste different. This is because of the weather conditions, soil and climate the food/ingredients are grown in.

When making a recipe for a restaurant you could have 2 of the same item but that come from different regions of the country or world. Like how oranges can come from either Brazil or Florida and even if they are the same type of orange they will taste different as ingredients in a dish. One might be more tart or sweeter than the other which will change the quality, texture, and taste of a dish.

Most of America’s Fruit Is Now Imported. Is That a Bad Thing?. (2018). Retrieved from

Sawe, B. (2018). Top Orange Producing Countries In The World. Retrieved from


Related image  Image result for local farmers marketImage result for tropical produce

Ind. Vocab.

Gissell Hernandez-Silva




Ind. Vocab Project



A lot of things might come to mind when you hear the word professionalism. In my case, the word professionalism relates to the food industry world. In the food industry professionalism is a big deal, it stretches from the waiters service to how the food is actually prepared and served. Having a positive outlook matters to how this whole idea of professionalism comes together.


“Food Service Vocabulary”  in Thought Co. by Kenneth Beare


      The image above shows professionalism in the way the food looks and is being handled. Also the person holding it has proper attire which also has to do with looking professional. The word professionalism is not always on appearance but on having the right attitude as well. In other words you won’t make sales having an uptight or grouchy attitude, being in a good mood even if it doesn’t reflect how you are really feeling is key to professionalism. Another key fact to professionalism is knowing what you are doing with your money and what kind of ingredients you are buying. In the reading it talks about markets and how they all basically began the local food trend. The reading relates to what markets provide and how people purchase their ingredients which is essential for professionalism. Knowing important facts that are in the article and in general about markets is professionalism. You know what you are buying and how much it will cost you so you are incorporating the information you know to real world. It talks about how markets were used as a source for trading which can e very essential if you need an ingredient but someone else has it and vice versa. It basically says if you know how to manage your food you will know how to manage your income. Asking yourself educated questions on your produce is a major key to success as well. Professionalism isn’t something you’re born with, it is something that you learn throughout life and is essential in the food industry. If you are going into or are already in the Hospitality Management industry then professionalism is very important because it is worked within the food industry. The food industry is very competitive if you don’t have professionalism then it’s going to be very hard for you to get through it. Overall Professionalism is important in any industry and should be taught regardless. I try to be as professional in my everyday life, for example in school and at work. It is something we should all develop.


Vocabulary post

Marian Cepeda
Professor. Krondl
Due: 11/21/18 / HMGT 1102

Word: Natural

Although the word Natural has many definitions and can relate to many things, I chose the definition that relates more. In the industry the word natural can relate. he word natural means, relating to or being natural food. In many restaurants the vegetables, fruits etc. they use  are all considered natural, these foods grow on their own naturally. When cooking in a restaurant, customers expect meals with fresh foods, it gives the dish a better and fresher taste, which is why restaurants use these fresh foods. Coconuts for example, they are natural. Thy grow on trees by themselves. Other fruits like, apples, grapes and more also grow by themselves.
My classmate Moises Rivera  used the word natural in a different way according to Moises own words, “The real world definition of natural is doing something without no effort or thought it’s just in you and comes out. Some people use the word as to say are those real? It can also be described as someone who is still the same or natural after fame. Natural also means real and never changing.” , he used the word natural to explain how natural can also mean, when you do something naturally, in his case, a sport.

In these pictures you can see 2 examples of natural vegetables and natural fruits, and how they are used in restaurants.




Laurel Polanco.

Prof. Krondl. Vocabulary Post.

“When I was sourcing, I had to look for what material was popular and what was affordable.” (Arrrona E.)

A different way of saying sourcing would be Provenance. This word, related to Food Service, means point of origin; where everything starts. According to Peter Jackson, writer of Provenance, “The value of a product is closely associated with the place from which it derives.”

Sourcing is related to Procurement because it is part of that process. In other words, when you are sourcing you need to make a connection between how the product is produced, the price, and the point of origin of what you are planning to buy.

When you are sourcing, you are looking for something, food in this case. The way “Sourcing” works in the Food Industry and to this picture is the following:

Imagine that you own a restaurant, and you are looking for suppliers. The picture shows the kitchen staff planning and talking about their sourcing. They are evaluating which vendors they should use to provide them with the produce they need. They are looking for potential vendors, having on mind the standards they chose.

We all need sourcing in one way or another. For example, my mom and I used to cook for our family; more than 20 people. We had to think about our suppliers, not in the same way as a restaurant does, but we did. Our suppliers were not a company, but a warehouse. We thought about our needs, and figured out what was the best for us.


Brooklyn Borough Hall Greenmarket

Elise Fredericks


Since I was a child, I’ve always visited farmers markets all over NYC. I’ve even been to ones in various states all over the country. They have always been one of my personal favorite places to wander through in passing because frankly, I’ve never purposely gone out of my way to visit a farmers market, yet, any time I happen upon one I’m completely drawn in. Be it the signs advertising fresh baked goods, fresh fruit and vegetables or, my personal favorite, the maple stands.

Now the market I’m writing about (Brooklyn Borough Hall Greenmarket) unfortunately does not feature a maple stand but they do have an incredible selection of fresh produce and pastries. I have been stopping there almost every week since the start of the semester whether to pick up a few fresh peaches for breakfast before class or a small loaf of walnut zucchini bread. Sadly, peaches are available exclusively in the summer so I’ll have to wait another year for some more.

I do absolutely love the concept of greenmarkets, a nice set up of products from all over NYS for the public to help themselves to and experiences flavors they’ve possibly never had before all while supporting local farmers. I’ve never dealt with very high prices at greenmarkets which is just another point of why they’re so cool. Another thing about the markets I have visited is that a large percentage of them have a compost stand, for food scraps amongst market goers or people bringing their natural scraps from home to recycle. So, affordable AND delicious local goods, supporting farmers and their families, and helping with the environment. How much better could you ask for?


Union Sq GreenMarket

Arrona Ettienne

Professor Krondal


             It was my first time at the Union Square Green market, and what made it more special was that it was on a Wednesday. I usually go to the one at Grand Army Plaza, which are usually open on saturdays and are more crowded. Due to the fact that it is more crowded I tend to leave earlier rather than visit the many of the stalls. But at this (Union sq) market I enjoyed it more. This market had a flow since it started off with the fruits and vegetables and went on to the baked goods, honey, and meats. Since it was Halloween one of the vendors had a large variety of pumpkins, which made me very happy and calm. I got the chance to experience many different foods like duck bacon and cheddar bread unlike when I am at Grand Army Plaza. The vendors were welcoming with majority of the offering free samples. I thought that many of the goods that was being sold was going to be expensive but it was at a fairly better price than what I see at my local supermarket.  My favorite part of visiting this market would be  tasting the Maple cream. It was something I never tasted before and it was something that I kept thinking about all day. Visiting with my classmates made it more special because our professor went more into depth about things we wouldn’t even pay attention to on a regular basis. One thing I do regret is going on an empty stomache and not bringing a tote bag. The plastic bags they provided weren’t strong enough. But since I was hungry I just grabbed the first thing that was edible, and didn’t get to compare my choices. Next time I will.

Green-market at Union Square

Katy Phan

Working nearby greenmarket at Union Square more than two years, but I have never actually visited and shopped at this market. My opinion before coming to this market was the products’ overpriced. However, last two week, Prof. Krondl opened my mind about this market, as well as its products.

At the beginning of the field trip, Prof. asked us to find various types of potato and apple. I was thinking about the mission, “Isn’t there just only green and red apple?” Yes, he was right. There wasn’t only green and red apple, but there was a lot of kind of apple. In my notebook, at least twenty types of apple were written down. As same as apple, potato also has the various kind. For instance, Satina, Purple Peruvian, Sun Chokes, White Potato, Russet Potato, Ruby Crescent, etc. While walking around, Prof. introduced several kinds of food which commonly chose by chefs or local restaurants. I also discovered one spot in the greenmarket that was selling black chicken (Silkie). As I knew, Silkie’s origin in China. It has several other unusual qualities, such as black skin and bones, blue earlobes, and five toes on each foot, whereas most chickens only have four. The silkie weight wasn’t heavy; it’s around 1,5 pounds to 2,5 lb. My family usually cooked it along with herbal ingredients. They said it’s a tonic for blood system.

Visiting greenmarket on Halloween holiday, I could see a lot of pumpkins that were in different shape and size. I felt the cooling air and smelt the smell of the autumn season. After the trip, my view of point about this market was entirely different. I appreciated the experience, as well as I have learned about the quality, origin, and variety of food. Now, I understand the reason why their price was high.