Steven Polanco Research/Audience Assignment


Letter to Trump

November 24, 2019

President Donald Trump

The White House

1600 pennsylvania avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20500


Dear President Trump:


I’ve decide to speak to you through this media with a lot of respect about that there is a wrong idea on going through the Americans thoughts. There is a misunderstanding about immigrants taking away jobs from Americans. All of us know that you goal is to make “America Great Again” as you keep repeating but, we already are one of the wealthiest countries of the world isn’t it crazy and those percentages on the economy don’t necessary comes from american workers only. They also came from immigrants that work hard to accomplish their american dream. 

Immigrants also need your help Mr. President!

This may sound pointless to you but did you know that there is over 40 million of immigrant residents of U.S.A which is equivalent to a 13 percent of the population and the majority of then are hard workers and there should be at least a law that give them some benefits and protection. Furthermore, according to the the EPI analysis of american community survey (2009-11) immigrants had a saher output of 14.7 % on the economy which a bigger percentage in comparison with the population percentage. In addition to immigrants outputs, they definitely don’t take away jobs from no one they just do the jobs Americans don’t want to do for  a minimum salary.

According to an article written by Julia Preston in the new york times in september 21, 2016 you “called for a crackdown on illegal immigrants, saying they “compete directly against vulnerable American workers.” He promises to cut back legal immigration with new controls he says would “boost wages and ensure open jobs are offered to American workers first.” Let’s say that what you’ve said happens what would happen if Americans don’t want to do those jobs? who do you think is going to go and do them? Exactly, immigrants.

Felbab-Brown a senior fellow in the Center for 21st Century Security and Intelligence in the Foreign Policy program at Brookings explains that many of the jobs occupied by undocumented workers in the United States are physically demanding jobs that Americans do not want to do, such as gutting fish or work on farm fields. Her argument is, “fixing immigration is not about mass deportations of people but about creating a legal visa system for jobs Americans do not want. This the opposite of what you want to do by just looking at the easiest solution for you but not at the most convenient for both sides. Think about your decision and help those who need it.


Steven Polanco

Open Letter To my Mom

Dear mom,


Beautiful mother, it’s been a while since I decided to leave you and my brother behind. I want you to know that I didn’t do it because I don’t love you or anything else I did it because I want a better future for me and for you and my brother that’s why I went in search of the “American dream”. But in reality what I found her was different from what I thought this experience would be, here they accuse us of stealing the work of the “Gringos”. When I found out that there are people who think like that I got sad and depressed because i’m not stealing from someone else I’m working with honesty. After i found that out I lasted a long time thinking and researching about it and it turns out that it is not like that Ma they are wrong I have read several articles where it says otherwise and that has made me feel much better because instead of stealing jobs, what we do is help the economy of this country and they don’t thank us or give us credit for anything they just discriminate against us. Also a few days ago I read an article written by Patrick Coate on February 22, 2017 where he explains that restrictions on immigrants hurt the economy and that’s exactly what ”Mr.President” wants to do with his policy on immigration. This makes me a little happy because in spite of all the bad things I felt I still know that there are people out there who support us even though we are always the inferior race for many. But well after having told you how I feel about that experience that happens to me I just want to tell you that I love you and my brother and do not worry about me because now I know that we are not alone, we just need to fill ourselves with confidence and say is enough. That’s all we immigrants need to know and do to end up all the discrimination against us. I’m so sorry for letting you back there alone but you know I had too. But the best thing of all this experiences I’ve gone through is that at the end of the day I’ll be by your side one day or another it could be in some year but it also can be tomorrow who knows? I’ll survive everything I have to but it’s hard with all the comments going around but you teach me how to be a Guerrero and I’ll fight back for my rights and I’ll be successful because because you and my brother and I’ll the thing that I left behind are giving me the strength I need to step up and fight.


Steven Polanco

Reflection on the annotated Bibliography (Love Letters)

Love letters 

There are several things that I noticed that all my sources have in common. The first thing and most obvious one is the regards that all of them uses to start their words. The second thing is the tone all of the writers use a lovely tone through the whole letter from start to finish. Another thing was that they wanted to persuade the other person to realize their love. Also, they share a lot of metaphors and hyperboles to introduce a little bit of drama to the letter and make their words more powerful. Last thing but no least, they have goodbyes to close all the writer was saying and usually they make it stronger by putting it together with an accomplishment. To add, from all my sources combine I learned that a love letter doesn’t alway mean that you have to tell the other person “I love You”. It could be use to make others realize in what they are wrong in terms of lovers and what they are doing good. Also, it could be used as a feeling transporter because you can take all your emotion and put them down on a piece of paper and just let the get to the heart of the receiver. There is something i’m wandering because in some of my sources the letters were short and some of them longer. I wonder if there is any relation between the amount of words someone uses in a love letter and the effectivity of the letter. Also, What will happen if the writer is lying on the letter? how would the other person know it? or Do the receiver just accept that everything in the paper is going to be true?

From this assignment i’ve learn a lot of thing that I was already capable of and I did not realize before. One of my strengths as a writer is when it comes to analyze phrase or quotes because I go deep and analyze every single words of that particular phrase or quote. On the other hand, I did not write that much very often which made it a little bit hard when I had to start the assignment. I was procrastinating so hard. When I was going to work on this assignment most of the time actually for most of my work I get distracted easily it could be by the TV, video games or my phone. Also, I realize that i’m very good at “pause and continue” which mean that I can start to write something and the pause at the middle of doing it and I can come back later and have the same idea where I left the work. It’s like if my inspiration doesn’t go away if I stop doing it and sometimes is hard for some people to start writing something and then pause without finishing it because then their mind get in blanck and they can’t continue their Idea. Personally I think that I can evolve more and the only things that I need to achieve it are practice more often and stop procrastinating too much when it comes to do my work.

Annotated Bibliography Love Letters

Cash, Johnny. love letter to June Carter, Huffpost,

Johnny Cash took this letter to another level. The most noticeable thing about this letter is that is shaped like a heart a symbol of love. He proceeds to write to June Carter  in valentines day to let her know how much he loves her and that she is always on his mind. The whole letter is just une sentence that says “Valentines is fine.But you being mine is more fine.” He is telling her that their love is even better and beautiful that the day of love this to make her realize all his love. Furthermore, he uses a romantic tone to give his word a sense of sweetness and provoke her to fall more in love with him. Also, his goal was to win her heart and little details like this one do great thing.

Eames, Charles. Marriage proposal to ray Eames, Barnebys,

In this particular letter Charles Eames is telling Ray Eames that he love her and to convince her that it’s true he’s got to tell her how he feels and what he been through. There is a quote that says “ I cannot promise to support us very well.” With this sentence he’s shown her that is very humble and that he’ll do whatever it takes to be with her even if they have to go through a hard time. Charles Eames make this statement in tone of hopeless but at the same time he is like making a promise to her that he will never let her down. Also, when he says “but if given the chance I will shure in hell try.” He is making sure that she gets the point of this letter that he will be by her side no matter what and hell try the best he can. To add, this add credibility to him because it makes him look trustfull if he is down to do all he can to be with her. Another thing that is on his favor is the determination he is showing her. There is a quote that demonstrate that determination that says “What is the size of this finger?” He was trying to be a little bit funny as well and he wrote  little hand in the letter with the ring on that probably gain her heart as soon as she saw it.

Keats,John. Love Letter To Fanny Brawne–13 October 1819, English History,

John Keats wrote this letter to his loved one which actually was his neighbor Fanny Brawne as the title said. He was telling her how much he loved her by describing his emotions and telling her that he was insecure of what she actually felt for him. Furthermore, he wanted her to feel the same way he felt that’s why he wrote with a tone of hopeless trying to persuade her to give him or show the same love he shows her, a quote that shows it says “My sweet Fanny, will your heart never change?” He ask this question to make her realize the insecurity he was passing through thinking about if her love belongs to him. Keats proceeded to achieve his goal by telling her things that as a lover will make him look more credible and will help him achieve his purpose. The ways he ended the letter when he said “My Love is selfish – I cannot breathe without you”. This strategy of telling Brawne that she is his everything works pretty well because he lets her know that he’ll keep loving her forever and this may had help her understand that he was telling the true about how he felt. Also, he made her realize that every single word was real.

Kahlo, Frida. Love Letter to Diego Rivera, K Madison Moore Contemporary fine artist,

Frida Kahlo is writing to Diego with a great security of her feeling and we can sense that because of the words she carefully choose to use to achieve her goal. She proceeds to describe her love like something out of this world something magic. When Frida Kahlo says “I ask you for violence, in the nonsense, and you, you gave me grace, your light and your warmth.” Here, she describes that instead of feeling like in a war full of violence when she thinks of their love she feels a fire that warms her up and the light that guide her deeply into their love. Also, she write with a tone full of confidence showing that she is sure of what she is saying aldo to convince Diego to see that too. To add, there is a lot of trust between Frida and Diego, this is shown by the informal approach she uses to say such lovely things to him. At the end she doesn’t even say goodbye properly she just put the initial of her name “F” and at the beginning she just put “Diego’’. This shows the level of confidence she had on him that he wouldn’t judge her or anything and that he would automatically know that it was her. It build a sense of security among the two of them.

Sartre, Jean Paul. Love Letter to Simone de Beauvoir, For Reading Addicts,


Jean Paul started saying “My dear little girl” with this he was trying to evoke a sense of respect towards Simone de Beauvoir to then introduce the words of love that he was going to describe to her. She was one of his friends but, with this letter he declared that more than a friendship he was in love with her. Also, he tried to explain to her that it was hard to love her because he had to pay attention to other thing around him. This is shown by a quote that says “ Try to understand me: I love you while paying attention to external things.” When he says “Try to understand me”, he added this phrase to create a emotio in Simone that eventually was going to persuade her to believe in what he was trying to tell her. To add at the end of the letter he uses another phrase to persuade her that says “ And search honestly.” He was trying to make her think of their relationship as more than friends and the words he used help him a lot. Furthermore, the farewell “I love you with all my heart and soul.” Lovers always refers to their love to something that comes from their heart but in here Jean Paul mention his soul and that help him the most to accomplish his goal of gaining her heart.

 Tolstoy, Leo. love letter to Valeria Arsenev, For Reading Addicts,

Leo Tolstoy goes straight to the point, short and direct when he writes to Valeria Arsenev. This shows that it doesn’t matter how he writes it she’ll get what he’s saying to her, they have that connection. In this letter Leo Tolstoy tries to persuade Valeria Arsenev that he is starting to love her more than ever and that their love is the most beautiful thing. There’s a quote that says “Believe me, nothing on earth is given without labour, even love, the most beautiful and natural of feelings”. Leo Tolstoy choose to say this words to make her realize that love isn’t something that is just there she have earned it. Even though is the most amazing thing in the world people have to earn it and this may evoke in her a feeling of proudness in her because she have his love. He even says that their love will be eternal as well, Leo Tolstoy have a high level of confidence on his tone and that helped him a lot. Also, when he says “Beauty one could get to know and fall in love with in one hour and cease to love it as speedily; but the soul one must learn to know.” He’s trying to explain why their love is special because it’s not base on beauty it’s a true love and this will make her secure of what she is reading.


“John Keats Love Letter To Fanny Brawne” Steven Polanco

John Keats wrote this letter to his loved one which actually was his neighbor Fanny Brawne as the title said. He was telling her how much he loved her by describing his emotions and telling her that he was insecure of what she actually felt for him. To add, he wanted her to feel the same way he felt that’s why he wrote with a tone of hopeless trying to persuade her to give him or show the same love he shows her, a quote that shows it says “My sweet Fanny, will your heart never change?”. Keats proceeded to achieve that by telling her things that as a lover will make him look more credible and will help him achieve his purpose. The ways he ended the letter when he said “My Love is selfish – I cannot breathe without you”  works pretty well because he lets her know that he’ll keep loving her forever and this may had help her understand that he was telling he about how he felt, was real.

“Going to school while immigrant” By, Steven Polanco

          It was no until I came to this country that I had to struggle that much with reading and writing. I remember being a freshman in my English class, I remember the vivid movement when my teacher asked me to write an essay I didn’t even know what she was talking about, at that moment I had never written or knew how to write an essay in the “American” format. What made the situation even worse of what it was is that I did not know a single word of English. I remember the frustration and struggle I past through like if it was yesterday, almost everyone in the room had an idea of what we were doing but me. Also, the cause of that frustration was more because I was under the great pressure of showing everyone especially my mother that I could do it. I was supposed to feel safe and secure because the High School I went to was mostly for Latinos and obviously I expected to feel that way but the truth is that I just did not feel like I was part of it, I just didn’t fit in at that particular time, me sentia perdido.

          When I started the essay I was so frustrated and uncomfortable because it was my first time writing and reading that much and adding to that it was on a complete new language. I tried my best but, I had a ton of grammar mistakes even using a translator word by word, somethings just didn’t make any sense for me. Also, it was boring because I felt like a robot following a format that is always the same and reading the same information over and over again trying to get through the main information of every text or document. It was the same format given to everyone, one which we did not vote for or say that we like it. I tried my best even though I knew I was not going to get a good grade on that essay just by the facts that it was my first one and my situation with writing and reading in english. The frustration I past through wasn’t because it was hard, I can say that it was because I did not know how to read and write at all at that moment I realize that I never did. To add, it was more difficult for me because my teacher try to explain as best and simple as she could but the true is that at that moment I wasn’t going to understand it. I didn’t even understand what she was saying to me. At the end I came up with my essay and I failed that assessment.

          After that day, the day I felt like if I was going to let everyone who believe in me down. I started to give more importance to reading and writing because in a country full of high expectations if I don’t know how to read and write I won’t be able to meet the “Standards” society has set for me. Furthermore, with the past of the time following the same format even though it was boring, I started to get used to it and getting better grades and expanding my vocabulary. To add, the feeling of letting my mother down if I did not learn how to survive in a system where if you don’t do something as expected you’re not smart. It gave me a different point of view about the importance of reading and writing now day. It makes you feel vivo and the ayuda a salir adelante.


Personal Experience essay

It wasn’t until I came to this country that I had to struggle that much with reading and writing. I remember being at School as a freshman in english class, the first time my teacher ask me to write an essay and at that time I didn’t even know what was she talking about. I never wrote an essay before and worse than that I did not know a single word of english. When I started the essay I was so frustrated and uncomfortable because it was my first time writing and reading that much and adding to that it was on a complete new language. I tried my best but, I had a ton of grammar mistakes even using a translator word by word, somethings just didn’t make any sense for me. Even though I tried my best I knew I was not going to get a good grade on that essay just by the facts that it was my first one and my situation with writing and reading in english. The frustration I past through wasn’t because it was hard, I can say that it was because I did not know how to read and write at all. To add, it was more difficult for me because my teacher try to explain as best and simple as she could but the true is that at that moment I wasn’t going to understand it. I didn’t even understand what she was saying to me.

“Learning to read” by Malcolm X

In some way, I feel connected to Malcolm X’s experience in prison because sometimes I feel frustrated because I can’t fully express my ideas just because of my lack of practice of the language. This is connected to the text because before Malcolm X was in prison he did not worry about learning how to write and read because he did not need it. He did not realize how important it was until he really need it and the same happens to me because I was in a high school where every single person speak spanish I didn’t worry about practicing at all but, now that I need it I realize how important it is. Also, I can relate to this text because even though I have some level of writing and reading I know that there is big amount of words that I don’t know yet just like Malcolm X. To add, this text makes me feel like I haven’t done anything to end up my frustration of not being able to communicate my ideas. It also gave me the answer of what should I do to end it up, I just need to take actions as Malcolm X did.