Author Archives: Tucker Salovaara

Tucker Oculus rift final project

I want to design a program/ mobile app for the Oculus Rift and it would be able to put you in the world of a favorite character. It will also feature an open community for designers where they can design their favorite characters world and then upload it. It will be for the Oculus Rift but based off of a mobile app.


Tucker S: Vertical Prototype


This is my vertical prototype of TMV. This shows the organization of the mobile app. The first page is for logging in. The second page shows which bus company and bus number are assigned to you. If they are more than half an hour late, the user can request an Access-A-Ride taxi so that he or she won’t be late to his or her appointment time. There is also a complaint page in case the user isn’t satisfied with this service. There is a form page to compare notes about which companies are better and a blog to see the latest news about AAR.

Tucker S:Horizontal Mobile App Platform


My mobile app horizontal platform see above, is an app that will track Access-A-Ride vans and cars. This will help the disabled community to plan ahead of time and see where the van  or car actually is. This  app will also show you the latest news about Access-A-Ride and you can share your comments on the forum page with other users. This app will revolutionize the way that Access-A-Ride users get around.